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  • #179082
    Ryan Archer

    Where is the like button? I want to like what you said about unsemantic and Bootstrap being too bloated.

    Ryan Archer


    If you are keen on getting your hands a lil’ dirty with PHP, you could edit the functions.php file and create some custom post types and custom taxonomies yourself. Heaps of great tutorials out there on this stuff, I think I found something on Treehouse. Don’t need to a be an expert coder by any means to get this working.

    In the last year or so I have been rejecting the use of plugins to do things you can perform with several lines of code and hook into core WP features. Now I only really want to install plugins for complex tasks and things you can’t do with a few lines of code in the functions.php file.

    Ryan Archer

    You are looking for an OAuth plugin.
    Need to ‘have a crack’ at doing this type of integration myself one of these days.

    Ryan Archer

    I think I really hate BBPress, none of my replies are nested under the person I am replying too….
    Sorry guys…

    Ryan Archer

    +1 for the native GP Megamenu. We know there are 3rd party megamenu plugin vendors out there Tom, but we reckon you’d do a better job ๐Ÿ˜‰ – addon would be great!

    I have looked around the features and also the addons but I can’t see any option yet to create custom sidebar widgets. Be good if we could generate specific sidebar widgets for specific website sections. At the moment, I am able to do this with plugins but some of them feel a bit clumsy.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Trouble with a mega menu is I’d have to research what would be best for the user – I’ve never used one, so I’m not sure how to make it super user friendly.

    As for the sidebar widgets, I personally like the simplicity of this plugin: https://en-ca.wordpress.org/plugins/display-widgets/

    Custom Sidebars is also a very popular plugin: https://en-ca.wordpress.org/plugins/custom-sidebars/

    It’s tough, I’d like to make my own version of all of these plugins, but then I’d be in trouble having so many plugins to maintain and update.

    Michael Andersen

    Tom wrote:
    How about the same footer widget options, but for an area below the header?
    This would make the above possible with some tweaking.

    That could definitely be an option. For me it would be interesting with ekstra widgets between header and content and widgets between content and footer widget

    Something like this:

    [top left] [top right]
    [Bottom left] [Bottom right]

    The kind of development could naturally end up as a new gp premium addon.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Definitely something to think about – I think it would be a popular feature ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Tom

    I would love to see:

    Ability to add scaled images for mobiles and tablets to full screen page header background images.
    Ability to add width and height dimensions to logo and if possible to set logos for 2x and 3x resolution screens as wordpress does not support svg.
    Ability to set different column widths for portrait and landscape tablet grid in lgc_columns

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    1. So an option to upload a mobile version of the background image (in Sections and Page Header?).
    2. This function has been built, just needs testing. It’s a checkbox which reduces the size of the logo by 50% so it displays better on retina screens.
    3. LGC needs some major work and improvement – working on it ๐Ÿ™‚


    You should create an author area box in the posts like here:

    โ€œAbout The Authorโ€

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Definitely planned ๐Ÿ™‚

    For now, this might help: https://en-ca.wordpress.org/plugins/simple-author-box/


    Can you make a description of how to setup SASS on GeneratePress?

    We use your great theme to develop websites but I would like to use SASS in my child theme styling so can you show me how?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m afraid that’s a little complicated for the forums, but there’s tons of tutorials out there on how to set it up.

    GP doesn’t use SASS by default, but I still think you should be able to set it up for your child style.css file.

    Petr Belosicky

    Hi Tom, you would add to the settings option to resize yellow fields or gaps in the picture? Basically, it’s too big. I know that it is somewhere in the edit css, but I smoked it out of my head ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for my English ๐Ÿ™‚


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