Home Forums Support Future Addon Ideas

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  • #38450
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi everyone,

    So I wanted to create a thread that would discuss possible future addons.

    I’d love feedback from people using GeneratePress, and also wanted a place to voice my own ideas.

    So I’ll start it off:

    1. Landing Page: An addon that allows you to turn pages into unique landing pages, meaning you can adjust the container width of that page, change the background color, background image and so on.

    2. Shortcodes: An addon that adds tons of shortcodes, like buttons, tabs, toggles etc..

    3. After Header Widgets: The same widget areas in the footer, but below the header/navigation.

    4. Borders: An addon that allows you to add borders to all of the elements.

    I have some other ideas, but I’ll start off with those three.

    I would love feedback and ideas if you’re willing!

    Thanks! πŸ™‚


    Have you read in my mind ????
    I can’t wait for this addons =)

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Awesome πŸ™‚


    Sticky navigation and special login menu.

    Great works!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks for the idea! πŸ™‚



    Since it is my first post to say that I love the theme and support πŸ˜€

    These four addons that you mentioned are very good looking, but mainly shortcodes would be quite interesting. Especially if they can be used in widgets for example to create tabs and so put comments, latest posts, tags, … in the same area widget.

    Or … an addon for that? =)


    A Top Panel login would be great or a pop-up login.


    Hi Tom,
    Here is my two cents:

    A GeneratePress Frontage Builder with the help of widgets/shortcodes will be great.

    Widgets areas:

    [Frontpage Top]

    [Frontpage Left] [Frontpage Middle!] [Frontpage Right]

    [Frontpage Bottom]

    and then add GeneratePress Frontpage Builder widgets/shortcodes to populate the page.

    Thank you. πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks for all the suggestions! Love it – exactly why I created this thread.

    Thanks again, and keep ’em coming πŸ™‚


    How about footnotes? I’m currently using ManFisher footnotes, but modifying fonts, etc. is not as simple as I would like. Tying footnotes to your Typography addon would be fantastic. Thanks!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Ralph,

    Thanks for the idea! Will definitely take a look at it πŸ™‚


    Using Bootstrap FrameWork could be great perhaps.


    Yes_Papa, I really appreciate your suggestion. Sadly, however, you have clearly mistaken me for someone who has any idea of what he’s doing! My knowledge of CSS extends to knowing what the words in the acronym are, and when it comes to Java, I know it came from Sun and everyone talks about it.

    That’s why I’m hoping Tom can develop an integrated footnotes addon, because his work insulates me from anything resembling ‘code.’ But thanks for the thought!


    Ralph!? I’m not talking about your idea!!! πŸ˜‰

    I’m just completing my christmas wish-list for TOM for future add-ons, like:
    – sticky navigation ;
    – login panel (like this : http://para.llel.us/themes/salutation-wp/) ;
    – global search wordpress and buddypress ;
    – and a question to TOM: what do you think about implementing Bootstrap?


    I’m just seeing you are using unsemantic framework. I look at it. It Seems to be great and lightweight.

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