GeneratePress 1.2.9 has been released today.
This release has quite a few changes, mainly dealing with performance and efficiency.
Here’s the complete list of changes:
[+] = Added
[*] = Changed
[^] = Moved
[=] = No Changes
[x] = Deleted
[!] = Bugs
[*] Font Awesome updated to 4.3.0
[+] Comic Sans MS added to font list
[*] Calculate $content_width variable based on layout
[+] Get layout of current page with generate_get_layout()
[+] generate_sidebar_layout filter added
[*] Clean up page header function
[*] Move page header functions to template-tags.php
[+] WooCommerce styles cleaned up
[+] bbPress styles cleaned up
[+] Norwegian translation added (thanks, Olaf!!)
[*] HTML structure changed to include left sidebar before right sidebar
[*] Various code cleaned up and optimized
[+] Support for more post formats added
[*] Microdata warnings and errors cleaned up
[*] Mobile breakpoint removed from mobile.css and added to enqueue function
[*] Show read more link when using more tag, even when blog content is set to show excerpts
[+] Czech language added (thanks, Jirí!!)
[!] Fixed bug where mobile menu didn’t move to below header from sidebar
[!] Fixed bug in IE10 where navigation search text is invisible