[Support request] How to add ” related products” & ” related blogs” at end of each page

Home Forums Support [Support request] How to add ” related products” & ” related blogs” at end of each page

Home Forums Support How to add ” related products” & ” related blogs” at end of each page

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  • #2378405
    Customer Support

    Yes, that should work.



    thanks for all support
    that works well


    https://prnt.sc/ac1XaihJRfOR – could you give some advice about how to better use Catergoreis & Tags from the wordpress dashboard Pages?

    Maybe it is some blog artices or video, then i can check them and study them well, next, i will know how to find the furhter new guides by myself.


    Now already added php by code snippet, could you tell me know tho add Breadcumbs?


    Customer Support

    1. Categories and Tags work the same way it would for Posts. Here’s an article I found Googling which may give more insight on how to use them: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/categories-vs-tags-seo-best-practices-which-one-is-better/

    2. To do this, you’ll need an SEO plugin for your site. One used is Yoast SEO. In Yoast, there’s a Shortcode for the Breadcrumbs: [wpseo_breadcrumb]

    To add this, you can create a Hook Element, and then hook it to generate_after_header for instance, and then, set the Display rule location to your preference. Make sure Execute Shortcodes is enabled for the Hook Element.

    Reference: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/hooks-element-overview/



    IM sorry that i can not fully understand this point

    2. To do this, you’ll need an SEO plugin for your site. One used is Yoast SEO. In Yoast, there’s a Shortcode for the Breadcrumbs: Support How to add ” related products” & ” related blogs” at end of each page



    i added the PHP

    then still not add the related products at end of the single page by Query Loop , pls check this link https://prnt.sc/APDskX3nWRWu

    where is problem and pls kindly check it out thanks

    Customer Support

    To add breadcrumb, this video should help: https://youtu.be/GkJq5fMwDxs

    For the related products, can you click the element tag and share a screenshot so we can see the element’s setting?

    And what’s the location you set for the block element?



    pls check the element tag from this screenshot https://prnt.sc/yihQM-KteZfR



    Regarding breadcrumbs,

    To add breadcrumb, this video should help: https://youtu.be/GkJq5fMwDxs

    pls check my screenshot

    1, firstly check this setting https://prnt.sc/D_cLXd3LLmpy
    2. https://prnt.sc/gt8-3GakAl2B – I give the Taxonomies, for example this one: CP TITANIUM & TITANIUM ALLOY (its link is https://prnt.sc/D1rCPfqZi4hv)
    3. about the setting of navigation mene like this screenshot https://prnt.sc/nn9QEGPycgux

    when i set the breadcrumbs at the before_content, we can see it like this screenshot https://prnt.sc/yeOtz2mAnHJK on the page

    But i think it is wrong (HOME » TITANIUM GRADE 1)

    it should be like this structure for the breadcrumbs


    Am I right?

    Or where is the problem? How to solve it?

    By the way, should i have to do if i add the breadcumbs under the page hero https://prnt.sc/WfijUzbCxBjx

    Customer Support

    I would suggest watching the video in this article, from around 5 minutes it explains showing the Category in the breadcrumb:



    hello david

    thanks for the prompt reply and help.

    now the breadcumbs is ok.

    But one more thing here:

    step 1: https://prnt.sc/gt8-3GakAl2B – we set the text pointed by the red arrow as category of Pages.
    So the link is https://prnt.sc/D1rCPfqZi4hv

    step 2: https://prnt.sc/nn9QEGPycgux – we also set the singe product page under this category ( the step 1 above)
    when editting the single product page, we also choose the product cateory here https://prnt.sc/vydlztd4m_3b

    step 3: when clicking this navigation menu https://prnt.sc/rm_P2-GRpAEE, we don’t find the two single product page https://prnt.sc/lxszYLIXViqk,

    so, i would like to know where problem is?

    Because we use the same taxonomy.

    But, we see the post and post category, they are the same thing,

    step 1: https://prnt.sc/t5H7Ojf7CX9I we set the category name of post here

    step 2: https://prnt.sc/tEcp-CIQmlbH you will find the published single post under this post category name.

    Would yuou like to guid me how to fix this issue?

    thanks much and have a good day.

    Customer Support

    step 3: when clicking this navigation menu https://prnt.sc/rm_P2-GRpAEE, we don’t find the two single product page https://prnt.sc/lxszYLIXViqk,

    Pages don’t have archives by WP default, unlike posts.
    I would recommend create a static page as the page category archive and add a query loop block to represent the pages.


    Pages don’t have archives by WP default, unlike posts.
    I would recommend create a static page as the page category archive and add a query loop block to represent the pages.

    hello, thanks for your help

    Could you please help me to create an exampleby video?

    Thanks in advance

    Customer Support

    I’ll try to help here, but please be noted it’s a general question for WP, not a specific question related to GP, so it’s actually out of the scope of GP support forum.

    1. Go to pages > add new, create a new page.
    2. In the page editor, add a query loop block, add your specific category paremeter.

    That’s it.

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