[Resolved] How can i create a fixed Header and top Menu in the Generate Press Theme

Home Forums Support [Resolved] How can i create a fixed Header and top Menu in the Generate Press Theme

Home Forums Support How can i create a fixed Header and top Menu in the Generate Press Theme

  • This topic has 83 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Leo.
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  • #86328
    Nuno Fernandes

    Thanks for your help. It+s working on my site (http://www.extremeportugal.com).
    I have just one question, the menu is covering a bit of content.
    See this two examples:

    http://www.extremeportugal.com/category/nature/ – works great!
    http://www.extremeportugal.com/teste/ – not no great… content is covered by the menu.

    Any suggestions?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    You need to adjust this CSS to match the height of your header:

    .container {
        padding-top: 120px;

    So you need to figure out the total height of your header and nav, and then update 120px to whatever height you come up with.

    Hope this helps πŸ™‚

    Nuno Fernandes

    Solved. Thank You!
    Best Regards

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome πŸ™‚

    Felix Fichtner

    Hi Tom,

    being totally new to wordpress and having no skills on programming I am really glad I found your theme.

    In order to fix the top menu of my site murmelz.com I tried all the above – but unfortunately it did not work out the way I wanted it.

    My goal is: I want to have a set top menu when I scroll down. The Logo shoudl vanish, but the Menu should stick on the top.

    When I now enter the Information in GP Hooks and Custom CSS both – the logo and the menu – are fixed.

    Do you have an idea what I need to change in order to only have a fixed menu?

    Thanks a lot!


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    To be honest I’m almost like zero knowledge on website editing, so please bear with me. I bought the premium package just because I can’t seem to remove the widgets on the top portion before the header where I’m supposed to put my logo.
    I really need help on this.
    Thank you so much!

    Dee Broughton

    achitectureonscreen –

    You might want to start a new topic so your issue will be more visible, but, in the meantime, are you maybe seeing default widgets? If you added new ones or your logo, default would likely disappear. Do you want to link to your site?


    I guess so, I haven’t done much editing yet.
    By the way, this only happens when I put the Header Alignment to left under customize Layout. This won’t be a problem if my Logo is on the center or right position, but I really prefer left.
    Thank you so much

    Dee Broughton

    Yes, those are default widgets, like the ones in the right sidebar. I’ve never seen them in the header before. Maybe just go to Customizer, Widgets, Header and delete them or put some other widget there as a placeholder and they will go away, I think. That’s what would happen in the sidebar. Tom will be along soon if that doesn’t work.


    That’s exactly the problem, remove and move under Widget Header Customize doesn’t work. This is my 2nd day trying to figure out how to remove this widget from my header…I guess I should start a new topic then. Thanks again

    Dee Broughton

    It is weird. Tom will fix it, don’t worry. πŸ™‚


    I really hope so. πŸ™‚

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Please help.. the sticky navigation is covering some of the space of my header picture. how can i fix this? http://www.janwithaina.com/blog

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