GP Premium 1.4 has been released.
This is a pretty major update, mainly surrounding the Page Header add-on.
Page Header
Page Header has been completely rebuilt – from the code to the usability.
Here’s some new documentation articles for the new Page Header add-on:
Check out this quick video showcasing the changes:
Font Variants
GPP 1.4 also includes a new variants field for your Google fonts. This allows you to choose exactly which variants are loaded for each font you choose.
If you’d like to learn more about this feature, check out the documentation here.
This update also includes lots of other changes, fixes and tweaks.
- Page Header: Pass args to post_thumbnail_html filter
- Page Header: Allow custom field template tags on pages
- Page Header: Re-add generate_page_header_video_loop filter
- Page Header: Add generate_page_header_video_muted filter
- Page Header: Remove taxonomy title if page header has title
- WooCommerce: Improve disabled WC button styling
- Page Header: Improve inner container
- Page Header: Allow contained page header even when position:absolute is set
- Page Header: Apply page header text color to headings in page header
- WooCommerce: Fix mobile columns issue
- Page Header: Fix error in Customizer when using PHP version < 5.5
- Colors: Add back to top button color options
- Colors: Add h4-h5 color options
- Colors: Move button color options into own Buttons section
- Hooks: Show PHP execution message to admins only
- Menu Plus: Improve disabling of native mobile menu when slide-out is set
- Menu Plus: Fix sticky mobile menu when navigation is in sidebar
- Menu Plus: Fix invisible navigation when slide sticky is shown/hidden quickly
- Page Header: Complete code re-write
- Page Header: Turn Page Headers into a custom post type (CPT)
- Page Header: Can be applied per page, or globally (pages, posts, categories, CPTs etc..)
- Page Header: Template tags can be used in Page Header content (page title, author, date)
- Page Header: Turn bg color options in RGBA picker
- Page Header: New use bg color as image overlay option
- Page Header: Re-write parallax feature
- Page Header: Migrate Blog Page Header in Customizer into a CPT post on update
- Page Header: Add “Inner Container” width option.
- Page Header: Add menu background color (instead of forcing transparent)
- Page Header: Show content options all the time
- Page Header: Force full width page header if merge is set
- Page Header: Use set default color palettes in color pickers
- Page Header: New left/right padding option
- Sections: Make background color rgba color picker
- Sections: Add background color overlay options
- Sections: Use set default color palettes in color pickers
- Sections: Fix dropdown z-index bug introduced in WP 4.8.1
- Typography: Add H1-H3 line-height options
- Typography: Add H4-H5 typography options
- Typography: Add footer/copyright area typography options
- Typography: Add button typography options
- Typography: Rename Content Customizer section to Headings
- Typography: Add widget title separating space option
- Typography: Make fonts in Customizer search-able
- Typography: Allow Google Font variants to be added/removed
- WooCommerce: Fix columns issue on some pages
- WooCommerce: Fix mobile columns when using shortcode
- WooCommerce: Fix extra spacing in empty cart menu item
- WooCommerce: Show Cart text if no icon
- WooCommerce: Make cart menu item filterable
- WooCommerce: Fix sales badge height in IE11
This is awesome! Thanks so much for this Tom!
Hope you like it! π
This update is just giving me more reasons to join GeneratePress Premium community, especially the page header, I think I would love it.
Thank you Tom.
Awesome! Thank you! π
Hi Tom,
Will the update automatically convert the existing Page Headers or does it require any manual work?
Your existing page headers will remain as they are – no manual work needed.
Like allways Tom take note of all the issues and make a awesome job. Thank you!
Thank you! π
Very sweet Tom. How about making it available for CPTs?
Global Locations should already be available to all public CPTs π
My bad Tom. You are right. Oh darn, another headache simplified and solved …
Awesome work, Tom!
On one hand I love that the existing page headers aren’t touched after the upgrade — but, what if we want to convert pages over to the new format…How would we do that? Are we stuck with the “old” way for existing pages and then must use the “new” way on new pages that are added? I don’t see a page header dropdown on my existing pages.
You can simply create a new Page Header for that page, then remove the settings from the on-page meta box. Once it senses that there’s no settings in the meta box, it will display the dropdown instead.
Glad you like it!
Please add to the global locations the support of BuddyPress pages.
Since they’re using custom post types, they should technically already be supported.
Tom, BuddyPress does not use custom post type. Therefore I ask
Ah, Page Headers are currently only able to work in custom post types. I might explore other areas in the future.
Thank you, we will wait. Maybe add an option: one header for total site?
These are some pretty awesome updates. I cant see why I would ever need to use any other theme again. Nice job, well done Tom!
Thank you! Glad you like it π
Very much a newbie here. Got GeneratePress, then decided to purchase the Premium, and I cannot get it to install. After I upload zip, then hit install, it sends me to my website to a message that says “Oops, that cannot be found.” I did the steps in the video, but not sure where that problem lies. I haven’t been able to find anyone else with the same problem– any ideas? Thanks.
Hmm, that’s a new one. It might be worth contacting your hosting company to make sure there’s nothing server related going on. Just explain that you’re unable to upload a plugin .zip file without receiving that error message. Seems like a permalink issue.
Let me know π
Thanks, Tom! I wasn’t sure which direction to go, and my hosting company was able to help. Looking forward to working with my new gp premium!
Awesome! π
Just a heads up:
In migration.php
$id = strtolower( str_replace( ‘ ‘, ‘_’, $generate_settings[ $setting ] ) );
if ( array_key_exists( $id, $select_fonts ) || in_array( $id, generate_typography_default_fonts() ) ) {
I think you want:
$id = strtolower( str_replace( ‘ ‘, ‘_’, $generate_settings[ $setting ] ) );
if ( array_key_exists( $id, $select_fonts ) || in_array( $generate_settings[ $setting ], generate_typography_default_fonts() ) ) {
Love the update by the way!
Right you are! Thanks for the heads up π