[Resolved] Want your site showcased?

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Home Forums Support Want your site showcased?

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  • #54708
    Ted van Vliet
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks! Great site 🙂


    http://www.survivalstead.com (a homesteading, prepping, survival blog)

    I just downloaded the premium add-on pack and have been playing around with the options. It has been so simple to get the site looking just the way I want it!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Awesome, great site!

    I did notice the navigation search jumping when you click it – this bug has been fixed in the latest version, which is currently under review on WP.org 🙂


    Still a work in progress, but here you go… http://notwrittenby.com/ Suggestions are welcome!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Thanks for submitting! Looks great 🙂

    Jared Wilmer

    I would be happy to provide my website for the showcase. I still have quite a bit of work to do on it but I am hoping to have the majority of it done in the next couple weeks. If you are still looking for sites then you can definitely use mine.


    Nicholas Harvey

    I’m using GeneratePress for my web design business site.


    Dee Broughton

    Merry –

    What are you referring to? “those ‘must to have by SEO’ subheading tags”
    Sounds like something I should know.

    Merry Makowski

    What are you referring to? “those ‘must to have by SEO’ subheading tags”
    Sounds like something I should know.

    Hi Dee, I am pretty sure you know about them…

    Our Title tag in SEO is <h1>, but this is not enough, we also need subheadings tags, especially with our main, focused in post keyword. I am using <h3>, many other people are using <h2>

    I highly recommend uploading to your blog WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. You can’t go wrong with it…

    The other thing even more important, (of course if you care about your placement on Google), is to start Google Page for your blog and connect it with your site. I know for a fact that this is the best SEO what you can do for your site on Google.

    Dee, if you are on Google+ please add me to your friends and we chat about SEO there: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MerryMakowski

    or find me on Skype, it is merry.makowski

    Dee Broughton

    Thanks, Merry! I’ll do that.


    Hi Tom! This is my site – http://mylisbon.ru/
    It’s about Lisbon, but so far only in Russian…

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Wow, great job! I can barely recognize the theme – it looks awesome! 🙂

    Tony Winter

    Tom is there a prize for “least” customized use of GP theme? As a database guy, I don’t have nearly enough, ok any, design sense and GP was already the look I wanted. 🙂



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Tony – it looks awesome! Nice and simple 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

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