[Support request] Trouble starting from scratch after switching from X theme.

Home Forums Support [Support request] Trouble starting from scratch after switching from X theme.

Home Forums Support Trouble starting from scratch after switching from X theme.

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    Hi, I recently made the switch to GP from X theme. I currently have a staging environment set-up on my server with a clone of my current website. I have installed GP Premium and deactivated X theme. I have also deactivated all other plugins. I am trying to start building from scratch using a GP child theme in the staging environment. I downloaded the child theme, but haven’t installed yet. When I go to WP>Customizer, I still see a lot of the other styling CSS code from my previous x theme (I am guessing). I was previously using an X theme child theme. I want to start building from scratch, and not have all of this code from the previous X theme. Any advice as to how to start from scratch with my GP child theme? Thanks for the help!

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Are you wanting to start from a fresh install without any existing content?

    If so you can consider using a plugin like WP Reset:

    I’m not quite sure what X theme but there shouldn’t be any code left over when you deactivate X theme child theme and activate GP child theme – this is something that you might need to confirm with them.


    Hi, thanks for the help. Yes I am wanting to start from a scratch with a fresh install. Using the plugin you mentioned above, do I: 1) clone my website and create a staging environment on my server 2) deactivate my previous theme (X theme) 2) activate Generate press premium child theme 3) Use the plugin above? Does this wipe out only the styling code associated with the X theme, or does this delete other info as well? For instance I have a plugin called Memberpress that I use for membership subscriptions. I would want to keep this code/info intact.

    Customer Support

    Using the plugin should wipe everything clean – I’m not certain about Memberpress though so probably worth checking with their support.

    Always a good idea to keep clone your current site so you have a copy of it no matter what happens.

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