[Resolved] Theme Bold justify tetx with blocks

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Theme Bold justify tetx with blocks

Home Forums Support Theme Bold justify tetx with blocks

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  • #1156994
    rafel jesus

    Hi there.
    I build a website and I use Bold theme and when I created a page with text but the text isn’t justified.
    In the CSS of the theme, there isn’t anything.
    In this website, I work with Elementor and Blocks for simple pages.

    What can I do?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Which page are you referring to?

    Let me know πŸ™‚

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo
    I’m sorry, it was a draf is this.

    Customer Support

    So you want all the paragraph to be justified?

    If so try this CSS:

    .entry-content p {
        text-align: justify;

    Adding CSS: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-css/

    Let me know if this helps πŸ™‚

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo
    I put in child theme in style.ccs and isn’t work also I put in additional CSS in theme options and the same

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo
    In additional CSS I have this code

    /* GeneratePress Site CSS */ /* Typography styling */
    /* Text highlighter on Underline Text Decoration on Elementor Headings and anchor links */
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    .text-highlighter .elementor-heading-title,
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    /*--- Elementor Custom styling */
    /* Remove Shadow from buttons when not hovered */
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    .overflow-hidden {
        overflow: hidden;
     /* End GeneratePress Site CSS */
    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    i just checked your site and that CSS is working – i can see the CSS being applied and the effect is visible on the front end. Although it is not very noticeable.

    rafel jesus

    Hi David
    You looked this pages https://proves.ccfoto.cat/bold/avis-legal/
    Do you think the text is justified?
    I see the text from right to left without justifying.

    Customer Support

    OK – i think we misunderstand

    Do you want to reduce the content width on that page ?
    Go to Appearance > Elements and edit Page builder layout on the Display Rules tab, select Exclude > Page > and add the problem page here

    rafel jesus

    Hi David
    It works and now appear another issue I upload a picture.
    The main picture isn’t justified at the top of the page.

    And sorry for my English maybe I don’t use fluently I am learning at this moment.

    Customer Support

    Go to Customizer > Layout > Container and set the Top Padding to 0

    rafel jesus

    Hi David.
    It works.
    Until next time.
    Thanks a lot.

    Customer Support

    Happy to be of help πŸ™‚

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