[Resolved] Struggling with the spacing

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Struggling with the spacing

Home Forums Support Struggling with the spacing

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  • #1167266

    Hi there,

    I’ve moved my site to another test location, and am learning each step.

    Right now i’m struggling with the spacing of my blog page, see live on http://www.neuropathie.nu/yoli2

    What I want is this https://i.postimg.cc/C1LM0d86/Screenshot-11.jpg which is the old site http://www.yory.nl
    but this is what I can do in GP https://i.postimg.cc/wTbwcrFt/Screenshot-13.jpg

    I have the premium version and want to have more spacing between the menubar and the blocks.
    I also want the outlining of the blog page text to be smaller than the feat. image.

    Can you give me some tips?

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    1. Have you tried increasing the separating space option?

    Looks like it’s currently set at 0.

    2. For the blog posts titles, try this CSS:

    h2.entry-title {
        padding: 0 20px;

    Adding CSS: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-css/


    Yes, but the seperation space option changes the top and bottom and rest around it.
    I only want the height to change.

    The code you’re giving me is not working for what I want.

    I need an extra space between the menu bar and the start of the blog, AND the start of the post itself.

    In the meantime I’ve made some other changes, and now the situation is this:


    So what can I do to make the distance (see yellow line)?

    Customer Support

    1. Try this CSS:

    .separate-containers .site-main {
        margin-top: 20px;

    2. The code should work but I’m seeing it added. When I tested with the inspector tool, this is the result:

    Make sure to clear any caching plugins you are using after you add the code.


    thank you that worked great!

    Customer Support

    No problem 🙂

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