Im trying to get my slideout menu working. Here is what I have done so far …
Create a new menu named “slide out”.
In the menu settings, tick slideout menu.
Save menu.
Add post to the menu.
In Menu locations > theme location – slideout menu, select “slide out”.
Save menu.
Yes, there are menu items. Slideout menu in the customizer is set to both. I want it to work on the desktop. I can get the menu icon when I close down on the width of the window, but not when the window is expanded.
It took a minute to wrap my head around that one but now I get it. I didn’t see how eliminating the menu items made any sense. Menu now looks like I want. Thanks a ton for your patience.
I had the same problem, but solved it using the info above, however the slide-out toggle has now forced my logo in the header off to the right hand side. HELP!?
Hi tom
I tried your recommendation to add the word menu to hamburger menu icon but doesnt seem to be working
1. original slideout toggle didnt disappear
2. the new toggle had 2 toggles plus the word Menu