[Resolved] Selectively show widgets on pages?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Selectively show widgets on pages?

Home Forums Support Selectively show widgets on pages?

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  • #113829

    I’d like my footer widgets to appear on the home page only.

    Searching this forum I found a similar question here

    So I tried it with several plugins; Jetpak’s Widget Visibility, Widget Logic and Display Widgets.

    For me, they did hide the widget content on the unselected pages, but they replaced it with the generic widget notice…

    Footer Widget 2

    Replace this widget content by going to Appearance / Widgets and dragging widgets into Footer Area 2.

    To remove or choose the number of footer widgets, go to Appearance / Customize / Layout / Footer Widgets.

    Is there something else I need to do to accomplish this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Is your homepage your blog or a static page?

    If it’s a static page, you can disable footer widgets globally in the Customizer, and then choose to display however many you want while editing the page itself: generatepress.com/knowledgebase/choosing-footer-widgets/#individual

    If it’s your blog, you can enable the widgets using a function:

    add_filter( 'generate_footer_widgets','generate_custom_footer_widgets' );
    function generate_custom_footer_widgets()
     	// If we are on the blog homepage, set the widgets
     	if ( is_home() )
     	 	return '2';
     	// Or else, use the default widget setting
     	return $widgets;


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re welcome! 🙂


    for me it doesn’t work. when saving my selection it alway jumps back to “Global Footer Widget Settings”. Or do I have to use the Premium Version for this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer
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