[Resolved] Sections bg-image opacity

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Sections bg-image opacity

Home Forums Support Sections bg-image opacity

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  • #187738

    Hi again,

    I would like to have a hover effect on sections background images so as to decrease image opacity on hover. Would appreciate any help,thanks πŸ™‚

    Roberto Enrique

    Unfortunately you can not modify opacity of section backgrounds without affecting all child elements (everything inside the section)

    You can have a look here to see if you can implement some sort of workaround:


    Aa thanks for the reply,i will play around with it and see how it goes.

    In the meantime let me explain better what i wanted to achieve. I have some text on the sections that has a background image with lots of colors. Since i cant chose a good text color to highlight the text better,i would like for the text to be more visible when i hover over that section. Is this doable?

    Thanks a lot !

    Roberto Enrique

    Everything is doable.
    Can you send me your link so i can look at it?


    I like that attitude that everything is doable,wish i knew to code as well πŸ™‚

    Should i send you the link through hello@artomultiplo.eu ?

    Roberto Enrique

    Send it, but I’ll answer you here.


    Did you figure it out? Thanks

    Roberto Enrique

    Why don’t you just make the images darker and full width?
    You can also make the titles in a heavier (bolder) font weight so they display better.
    For the little text (normal paragraphs) inside the sections you can chose to do them in something like h3, then you make a white normal section with the long text bellow.
    Something like this, may be more easy to read:

    Roberto Enrique

    So nice the oEmbeds here on the forum!


    This looks awesome,thank you very much. Please share with me how you achieved this,do i have to make the images darker by myself or can i achieve that with a code (lazy fellow here πŸ™‚ )

    This is super great,really appreciate it.

    Roberto Enrique

    You don’t have to touch any code to arrive to that result, everything is already available inside sections add-on.

    I think that the only thing that you have to install, in case you don’t know how to write html is this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/lightweight-grid-columns/
    for the columns in the second and latest section.

    For the darker images, that’s something really easy to accomplish with photoshop, gimp or even https://pixlr.com/editor/

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You’re awesome, Roberto! πŸ™‚

    Roberto Enrique



    Thanks very much once again Roberto,you have been of immense help. Tom gets a coffee on your behalf.

    Roberto Enrique

    Awesome, you’re doing the right thing!
    Please share your link when you finish your website πŸ™‚

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