[Resolved] Sections Add-On

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  • #105349
    Wood Long LLC

    I was really excited to try the new sections add-on, but I’m having some trouble. Also, I readily admit ignorance when it comes to code, so any suggestions that require something beyond basics will fly right over my head…. I’ve just been experimenting on this page: woodlongfamilylaw.com/about/test-page

    1. We are using sidebar widgets on our global template. When I activate sections on a page, the sidebar widgets disappear. There is this big empty space for them on the left, but no widgets. I’ve tried in the “Quick Edit” bit to select the “Default Template,” but no luck.

    2. The containers for the sections stretches way out past my nav bar, which looks really odd. Maybe it’s due to the global layout settings I have? But I do not want to mess up what’s going on with the other pages by changing that. I’ve experimented with fluid vs. contained and contained helps rein it in, but not completely.

    3. This one is probably very ignorant, but what is parallax effect? I can’t tell any difference between sections when one is enabled and another is disabled.

    4. Maybe in a future update, you can make an option to put space between the section containers. I figured out a band-aid approach to this by inserting empty sections between substantive sections with very little padding, so no big deal.

    Let me know if there is a way to fix the first two especially. Thanks!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    1. When Sections are enabled, sidebar widgets are removed. This is because generally sections are meant for full width sections of content, which doesn’t allow for any sidebars. I may change this in the future, but I’m not sure how I would incorporate sidebars as of right now.

    2. Not sure what you mean here? As long as the container is set to contained, it shouldn’t stretch out further than your contained navbar. Can I get a link to see this?

    3. Parallax only works when a background image is set – it creates a cool effect when scrolling.

    4. I wouldn’t add sections just to create a space, instead, give your section a custom class, like “section-margin”. Then, add this CSS:

    .section-margin {
          margin-bottom: 20px;

    Hope this helps 🙂

    Wood Long LLC

    Yeah, the link I posted above should show you what I’m talking about with the containers. It’s on this page. Ok, thanks for the responses 🙂

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That is super weird – it looks like you may have some HTML elements inside your sections that haven’t been closed.

    Can you look in the “Text” tab of your sections, and make sure every opening <div> has a closing </div> – as well as every other HTML tag. I am seeing a lot of HTML inside the sections, so that’s probably what’s going on.

    Let me know 🙂

    Wood Long LLC

    When I open the “Text” tab it’s pretty bare and all the html tags are closed.

    <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Sections…</strong></p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">I'm still trying to figure out how sections really works.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;"> For instance, why is the section box way outside the nav bar?</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Also, why can't I separate my section boxes? (As in, put space between each container.) (**I figured this one out. Just add an empty section between sections.)</p>

    I’m wondering if this has to do with the global layout settings including sidebar widgets? IDK!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m seeing tons of itemprop stuff in each section – definitely shouldn’t be happening.

    Can you try deactivating this plugin?: Add-Meta-Tags WordPress

    Wood Long LLC

    ok. done.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Aha, figured it out – you found a bug 🙂

    It’s been fixed in the next version.

    For now, go to the top right of your edit page and click “Screen Options”.

    Check the “Sidebar Layout” checkbox.

    Now, set that page to have no sidebars.


    Wood Long LLC

    Ah, that did it. Unintentional find 🙂


    Hi Tom

    concerning your post:

    “1. When Sections are enabled, sidebar widgets are removed. This is because generally sections are meant for full width sections of content, which doesn’t allow for any sidebars.”

    Would be very useful, if I would be able to use both: sections AND sidebar at once on a site. This was the reason to use the sections plugin. Is it possible for you to change it.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    What would it look like? I can’t picture have full page sections and including a sidebar. Any examples of this anywhere?


    Tom, could You add support for sidebar in sections? My page have separates boxes and on one page I want sections but with right sidebar (http://beherit.pl/en/about-me here I want to write my resume but all information eg. educations, skills in other separate sections).

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I haven’t quite figured out how I would include sidebars into Sections.

    For example, what would it look like if the sections were fluid? Where would the sidebars go?

    Would they only show up if all of the sections were contained?


    Tom, I want to have look like category page – each post in separate box and sidebar on the right.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Working on this 🙂

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