[Support request] Search box layout shift?

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Home Forums Support Search box layout shift?

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    My search box via the Site Search 360 plugin is having a huge jump in layout as the page loads. From what I can see, I don’t think it’s from the plugin, but rather from possible generatepress css?

    Can anyone shed some insight on this?


    Customer Support


    Its from your Site Search 360 plugin’s CSS and JS loading late. It needs to be optimized.

    If you check your site’s page source, the plugin’s CSS and script is the last one to load within the <head> tag.

    The initial styling you see is indeed from the theme stylesheet when the plugin’s stylesheet has not loaded yet. But that’s only until the plugin’s stylesheet loads. Once plugin’s supposed stylesheet loads, it will apply.

    This particular sequence happens within seconds. The change between the stylesheets used is what we perceive as Layout Shifts.

    To address this, consider using an optimization plugin. Aggregating CSS (stylesheet merge) may actually fix this issue.


    Thanks for your help Elvin,

    That makes sense to aggregate CSS, but I tried to minimify through w3 total cache and it didn’t seem to do anything.

    Any thoughts?

    Customer Support

    That makes sense to aggregate CSS, but I tried to minimify through w3 total cache and it didn’t seem to do anything.

    Minifying only removes unnecessary parts of the code (linebreaks, spaces etc) of the file to make it smaller.

    Its quite different from aggregation where it takes all the different stylesheets(or scripts) and combines in within 1 file.

    This reduces the site request meaning it only has to serve fewer files.

    Also, I should point out that the plugin is requesting a script from an external source https://cdn.sitesearch360.com/.....

    This adds extra delay on the plugin layout’s loading time.

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