Hello, I’m new to your theme. I like so far – nice job.
I’ve tried searching for an answer to my question but have not found one yet.
This is my dev site: http://s17655.p421.sites.pressdns.com/
I’m looking to do the following:
1) Have the logo and Slideout menu icon display from mobile viewport through desktop.
2) Have “Menu” display next to menu icon through desktop (not just mobile).
3) Do not display other menu links – just want the logo and menu icon with text on one line
Very sorry if this has already been answered. Thanks for the help.
Thanks Tom, but doesn’t quite address my desired look. http://s17655.p421.sites.pressdns.com/
If you see the homepage, I have the slideout menu currently set to both. You see the logo + nav links + mobile icon are displaying on desktop and I only want logo + mobile icon (with “Menu” text).
Is there a way to “trick” the slideout menu look I see at 768px to take effect at 1600px?