[Support request] ProductX use single product builder in element

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Home Forums Support ProductX use single product builder in element

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    I’m trying to make some serious changes to the default Woo product page, and I’m trying to avoid breaking into the template files. I tried creating things in an element with dynamic data, but I only got so far because there’s lots in the Woo product template (like sales flags, stock notices, breadcrumbs, etc) that aren’t really reproducible. In looking for a solution, I came across this ProductX plugin that has single product builder blocks – except when I installed it, the blocks were not available to me when I went to build an element. I assume it is only available in the “Theme builder.”

    Here’s the plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/product-blocks

    Can you give me some instruction on how I might go about making this ProductX plugin play nice with elements so I can build my Woo pages using elements?

    Customer Support

    Hi Carolyn,

    I tried installing it, and I was able to see the Blocks it offered when creating a Block Element: https://share.getcloudapp.com/jkuWm1Lx

    Typically, Elements only allow you to add specific sections to Product Pages. The modification available in terms of GP Premium would be the ones through the WooCommerce module: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/woocommerce-overview/

    If more modification would be needed, you would need custom code or a third party plugin. With that said, it would be best to reach out to the support of this plugin with regards to how modify single product pages.


    Only SOME of the blocks are listed. All the “single product builder” blocks (like sales flags, stock notices, breadcrumbs, etc) are NOT there. Is there a way that I can make them show up so I can use them? I don’t know anything about this new theme builder functionality, other than that I have seen GP does not yet support it. But I’m wondering if there’s a way to get these two things to play nice.

    Customer Support

    Only SOME of the blocks are listed.

    Hum…I checked the blocks in page and block element, those are the same blocks as far as I can see.


    I found out that you need to enable the plugin’s “builder” functionality, and these additional block elements seem to only be available when you are within their template builder. See https://www.wpxpo.com/woocommerce-builder-for-productx. Any idea as to whether there is a way to enable these blocks within elements?

    Customer Support

    It looks to me, you can only use these drag and drop functions within the plugin itself.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think you will be able to use the builder in GP’s Block element.

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