[Resolved] Off Canvas 100vh Problem on Mobile

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Off Canvas 100vh Problem on Mobile

Home Forums Support Off Canvas 100vh Problem on Mobile

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  • #1376727

    Having trouble with the Off-Canvas menu.

    I have a Siteorigin Tab Widget inside of it to allow viewers to toggle back and forth from a menu to a contact form.

    But, when you scroll down on Mobile the tabs for the tab widget get tucked under the bottom “thumb bar thingy” from Samsung/other devices as seen in this side by side:


    Is there any way to avoid this? I have the Tabs Containter fixed to the bottom of the slideout menu and the actual Tab Panels (where the content is) have an overflow: scroll; so they can scroll underneath the tabs.

    I tried .main-navigation.offside { height: 100vh; } vs. .main-navigation.offside { height: 100%; }

    Is this just inevitable / perhaps I should think about a redesign of what I’m trying to achieve?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    This is a tough one – does this do anything?:

    html, body {
        height: 100%;

    That seemed to work a little but I can’t get it to be stable.

    I may shift the tabs to the top of the off-canvas menu or maybe even scratch that idea as a whole.

    Thanks Tom!

    Super stoked for 1.11.0 You guys rock!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem. Thanks! We’re excited about it too 🙂

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