Modal (lightbox) window for images inserted into posts

Home Forums Support Modal (lightbox) window for images inserted into posts

Home Forums Support Modal (lightbox) window for images inserted into posts

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  • #187572

    Hi Tom,

    Is there any feature available within the GP theme to allow for modal windows to be created when images are clicked on within posts? E.g. click the image to getter a bigger version in a lightbox.

    I know it’s a fairly common feature within many themes and sometimes set via the media linking options. I can’t so far see anything in the GP tools that can do this for me.

    I am considering integrating the FeatherLight plugin to do this via PHP hooks but I’m looking for a native option before introducing 3rd party scripts.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Nothing native in GP for that, but that plugin looks nice and light – should be easy to integrate 🙂

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