[Resolved] Infinite Scroll and Pagination in HTML

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Infinite Scroll and Pagination in HTML

Home Forums Support Infinite Scroll and Pagination in HTML

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  • #1581639
    The Witney SEO Guy

    Quickly want to say that I’m loving using GeneratePress.

    One minor issue is that I’ve enabled Infinite Scroll but I’m still getting URLs like /blog/page/2/ in the HTML.

    I’d like to remove these from the HTML if possible.

    Would anyone be able to provide me with the necessary code to do this?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    Where in the HTML are you seeing those URLs?

    The Witney SEO Guy

    It appears in the rel=next and rel=prev attributes.

    It also appears in the post navigation section which should appear at the bottom of the page. I’m assuming this is set to display: none in the CSS?

    You can see them in the HTML on this page: https://witneyseoguy.co.uk/blog/

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    WordPress itself adds the rel="next" and previous tags in wp_head – your SEO plugin may be able to remove those?

    As for the pagination – it is set to display: none. Infinite scroll actually uses the hidden “Next” link to know where to get posts from next.

    The Witney SEO Guy

    Okay great, thanks for that. I use Yoast SEO so I’ve disabled the rel=next and rel=prev by adding the code below to functions.php:

    /********* DO NOT COPY THE PARTS ABOVE THIS LINE *********/
    /* Remove Yoast SEO Prev/Next URL from all pages
     * Credit: Yoast Team
     * Last Tested: Jun 10 2017 using Yoast SEO 4.9 on WordPress 4.8
    add_filter( 'wpseo_next_rel_link', '__return_false' );
    add_filter( 'wpseo_prev_rel_link', '__return_false' );

    I’m guessing the remaining links can’t be removed then if they’re used by infinite scroll? It would be nice if there were a way for this to work without those links being output. Any plans for development there?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    It hasn’t really come up before. Is there an issue with having the pagination set to display: none?

    The Witney SEO Guy

    Not a huge issue, but I’d prefer the second page didn’t get linked as it’s redundant when infinite scroll is enabled.

    I think I’ll just disable infinite scroll for now.

    Thanks for your help.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem!

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