[Support request] How to align the nav-menu to the left?

Home Forums Support [Support request] How to align the nav-menu to the left?

Home Forums Support How to align the nav-menu to the left?

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  • #2337936
    Customer Support

    You can add transition to the main-navigation:

    .main-navigation {
        transition: all 0.3s ease-in;

    Awesome, thanks!

    Although it’s not exactly as smooth as on the original site, it works fine.

    So if I want to replicate the transition-effect exactly like on the orig-site, is this possible with CSS? Or can only achieve using JS?

    Customer Support

    Theres too many differences between the original sites header and the GP one. For example, the other site uses a height property that transitions between 100px and 80px on sticky. The GP Site is using padding to make that height. So thats transition will never be the same.

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