[Resolved] How can I get my sticky navigation to act as permanent header?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] How can I get my sticky navigation to act as permanent header?

Home Forums Support How can I get my sticky navigation to act as permanent header?

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    Hello, I just went premium for the sticky navigation add on and I would like to use the sticky navigation as my permanent header.

    I have followed the instructions on the page about sticky navigation and removed my site logo and set my site header to display: none; all good so far, however, I don’t know how I can get the navigation to display even when the page is at the top. It simply disappears.

    I know this is what it’s mean to do, I just need to know how to change it.

    Thanks in advance



    Nevermind, I’m happy to keep my normal header and just have the sticky navigation fade in when needed.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    For anyone wondering the same thing, you would need to set your sticky effect to “None” and remove the site header:

    .site-header {
        display: none;

    Glad you like it πŸ™‚



    I’m using GP Pro. Several questions:

    (1) Simply put, I need a sticky responsive menu. The website title and tagline are hidden. I have not altered header.php or functions.php, and the only customization of style.css is what you’ve shown above. Can you be more specific on how to achieve a basic sticky responsive menu?

    (2) On a related issue, can the aforementioned sticky responsive menu display text instead of a logo on the left side? I understand that I’ll need to adjust the font-size based on the breakpoint.

    (3) The mobile menu is not hiding itself when the link is an anchor tag on a one-page menu.

    Thanks. Love the product. Nice job.


    Customer Support

    Hi David,

    (1) You shouldn’t need that CSS above for a basic sticky navigation. This page shows you how to use the sticky navigation feature in GP: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/sticky-navigation/

    (2) So you want the navigation to display logo on desktop/tablet and switch to text on mobile?

    (3) Are you looking to hide the navigation all together on mobile?

    Might help if you show us the site πŸ™‚


    (1) Your documentation provided the answer regarding the sticky responsive menu except for one thing. Why is the hamburger icon visible in desktop mode? See here:


    (2) I need text (my name) on the left side of the sticky responsive menu regardless of the device size. In other words, always text, never icon. I know how to adjust the font-size below/above the device breakpoint.

    (3) When the responsive menu item is a link to an anchor on a one-page site, here is what happens: (a) The page scrolls to the (almost) correct place; and (b) The responsive remains open, which it clearly shouldn’t.


    I’ll gladly give you access to the site dashboard.

    Customer Support

    (1) Customizer > Layout > Primary Navigation > Slideout Navigation > Mobile Only

    (2) First obviously unhide site title/tagline then you can remove the logo/icon.
    Then Customizer > Layout > Header > Mobile Header > Disable so the title/tag line should show up.
    I’m looking for a way to move the icon to the right instead of below without using the mobile header.

    (a) The page does scrolls to the correct place – it’s just blocked by the sticky navigation.
    I think it would work if you set Sticky Navigation to Desktop Only
    (b) This post might help: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/close-menu-on-mobile-after-clicking/#post-265481


    (1) Resolved, looks great. Thanks.

    (2) and (3): We would save time for both of us, and I would really appreciate it, if you logged as admin and configured the header text and the non-disappearing responsive menu on my behalf. You can’t hurt the website. Everything is backed up.



    Here is the desired effect:

    Example for Tom

    Many, many thanks. –David

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Using an image is definitely easier, but you can insert HTML instead using a hook: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/sitetitle-in-navbar-instead-of-icon/#post-225010

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