[Resolved] Hover on mobile

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Hover on mobile

Home Forums Support Hover on mobile

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  • #345308
    Customer Support

    Hi Guys,

    up until recently the hover function in my site was working fine on iOS and touch screens. Which i know in itself is a bit odd, but humour me =)
    Well now its stopped working, i even rolled back my CSS to see if had broken something in @media but nope still not working. Is there anything in recent GP changes that may have an affect on this? I’m running latest alpha



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    How was hover working? You mean the hover color was showing after you tapped something until the link loaded?

    Customer Support

    Now it may have been too much coffee or something else…..
    But when i first started this shady attempt at designing my own shop site i really liked the hover scale/shadow effect that i had seen on many shop pages. So i added my own. What i was shocked at is they actually worked on my iPone 7+, not expecting this i tried it out on a few other devices and it still worked. Weird i know, and if it wasn’t for a few people testing it for me, i would say i was slightly delusional.

    But just recently they stopped working on every page and every device.
    Not a big problem, by all accounts it shouldn’t work (without some onclick thingamy bob) – but just curious as to whether there was something different in the alpha that could have affected this??!?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Not that I can think of – no :hover or :focus CSS was adjusted.

    I would have to see it working/not working to get a better idea, but in theory hover effects shouldn’t work on mobile.

    Customer Support

    That’s what i thought – was a quite astounded when it did work, and then forgot about it.
    i’ll let you know if anything changes……

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Sounds good 🙂

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