[Resolved] header search icon wrong on remote view

Home Forums Support [Resolved] header search icon wrong on remote view

Home Forums Support header search icon wrong on remote view

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  • #92387

    hi. i’ve got the “search in the header/nav area” enabled.

    the search icon (magnifying glass) looks right when i view it on my local development pc, but when i view the page from an external pc the search icon shows as some wierd little glyph… any ideas?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    This can happen if you’re viewing the site from a different URL than the one set in “Settings > General”. Can you confirm the URL you’re typing into your browser is the same URL you have in “Settings > General”?

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚


    hmm, yes, this is on the development system again. in settings general i have http://smg-pc which is the lan external name of the development box.

    when i enter the url http://smg-pc on the development box i get the homepage with the correct icon.

    when i enter http://smg-pc on another box on the lan i get the homepage with a wierd glyph instead of the search icon.

    is there a way to force the correct icon? thanks.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The glyph is a computer/browser icon shown when the regular icon can’t be found.

    This usually only happens in Firefox – you’ll need to enable Access-Control-Allow-Origin module on your local system.

    More info here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10636611/how-does-access-control-allow-origin-header-work


    actually it turned out that all the remote viewers had a particular setting on the Contents/Advanced area, they had “Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above” unchecked. checking that option makes the icon appear correctly.


    that setting was in firefox btw.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Interesting – good to know! Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

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