Disable Elements not working on Blog Page

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    Hey Tom

    On the following Test Page http://web251.login-143.hoststar.ch/fraa2/ all pages (Home, Blog, Link) have been defined with Disabled Elements “Header”, “Headline” and “Footer”.
    Everthing is perfectly fine until I define “Blog” as the Page for contributions. After that, the Footer appears and on top oft the page (above the menu) the Header appears.

    How can I get “Disable Elements” working for the Blog page too?

    Kind Regards

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Martin,

    WordPress ignores any metabox values on the page set as the blog, so we need to use CSS instead.


    .blog .site-header,
    .archive .site-header {
          display: none;


    .blog .site-footer,
    .archive .site-footer {
          display: none;

    As for “Headline”, are you wanting to hide the blog post titles?


    Hi Tom

    Thank you very much for your fast reply.

    No, for the moment it is not a requirement to hide blog post titles. But if you have a custom css for hiding blog post titles that would be nice (may be for later use).

    Concerning your custom css above: “Header” works, “Footer” dosen’t. As you can verify on above “Blog” page at the bottom “Copyright…..” is still displayed. Or is “Copyright…” not the footer?

    Many thanks


    Hi Tom

    Sorry, forget my last tread.
    Everything is fine.

    When copying your Footer css I missed the “.” before “.blog”

    But some custom css for hiding blog post titles would still be nice 🙂

    Many Thanks

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    This will work for blog post titles on the blog/archive:

    .archive .entry-header,
    .blog .entry-header {
          display: none;

    Hi Tom
    Thanks a lot for your great help.
    Generally I like GP premium very much for it’s flexibility.
    But I think it would be a nice idea for a future update that the controls (sidebar layout, number of widgets, Disable elements) also work for the page defined as the posts/blog page. Because, the controls are there, but they don’t have any effect.
    This would mean one would have to dynamically generate the custom css depending on the selected options. I don’t know whether this could be a solution. Or are there restrictions in the WordPress architecture?
    Kind Regards

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I agree, unfortunately WordPress ignores any and all info input on the page set as the blog. The same reason why the title and content don’t show up either.

    The sidebar for the blog can be set in “Customize > Layout”. Footer widgets will be able to be turned on/off with a PHP function for specific pages in the next version, and the rest can be pretty easily hidden by CSS.

    Maybe WordPress changes this one day, but there must be a reason they do it.


    Hi! Using the latest version of the theme generated where all the functions provided by the plug Disable Elements do not work on the pages and on the post!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    The disable elements plugin isn’t working on pages or posts? Seems to be working on my end.

    Are the checkboxes checked on those pages and posts?


    Of course I checked and none of the six possible exclusions work on the pages or post despite the checkboxes are check on.
    it may be incompatibility with other plugins?
    Excuse my bad English.


    Hello Tom!
    I found an incompatibility with the plugin Page Builder. When it off this your plugin works, but I can not turn off the image in evidence of the post. That is, if the check switched on Post Image / Header Page, the image on the head of the post does not go away. There is a way to get this?
    You have detect other incompatibilities with other plugins?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Weird, the two plugins shouldn’t have any effect on each other.

    Is this the SiteOrigin Page Builder?


    It is he … the disabling of sections of the page does not work if it reactivated.
    Instead to disable the photo of the header of the post I solved by activating the sections.
    Other plugins that use is shortcodes ultimate, but this has no effect turning it off.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, interesting. I just activate Page Builder and added content to it.

    Then I checked all of the disable elements options on the page, and it seems to be working fine for me.

    Any chance you can link me to the problem page?


    Hello, the page where I’m working on is a test page, and is currently offline.
    I did other tests … it seems that the more responsible for what happens is the ultimate plugin shortcode: sections can be properly disabled if this is disabled. As soon as reactivated this, the page is still with the disabled items, also clearing the caches of the site, but no longer works if I have to work on a new page. If I want to use it off and on again each time.
    It seems that even the functioning of page builder is influenced by this.
    It is frustrating, because I can not remove this plugin essential for me as well it is to re-edit all the pages and posts on the site.
    I hope I have explained clearly. Is there a way to fix this?

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