[Support request] CTA Images

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Home Forums Support CTA Images

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  • #897010

    Hello, I am just wondering if there is any way to achieve the same style table/images with CTA buttons with GP? Please see the examples at the top of this page: https://bit.ly/2LEknnp

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    GP itself doesn’t add anything that can be added to your content.

    However, have you tried playing with Gutenberg? I think a lot of that can be achieved in the new editor using the built-in blocks.

    Let me know 🙂


    Hi Tom,

    Had a go with Gutenberg and experimented with various blocks, but could achieve nothing like what they have.

    Nothing seemed to accept the API codes from Amz.

    Customer Support

    How is the API codes supposed to be entered?

    If it can be used in the classic editor, it can be used in Gutenberg.

    The site you linked is using Visual Composer to achieve that by the way.

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