[Support request] Code Text Ratio

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    I am getting errors from Semrush https://prnt.sc/vuzo9o
    Is there any way to decrease codes?
    I add one of my page that get this error.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    no there isn’t anything you can do to change that. Your page is only adding the very minimum amount of HTML it requires to display the content. The main issue will be the ToC and the number of Lists you have that contain very little content.


    i am using now luck wp table of content and used easy table of content these are same 🙁
    Do you have any suggestion for light coded table of content?

    Actually, it would be really great, if you put a table on Generate Press.

    Customer Support

    All ToC plugins will generate a similar amount of HTML.
    The simple problem is you have a lot of lists and little content.

    I personally would not be concerned about the SEO signal you’re getting from SEMRush.
    Googles John Mueller stated that Text to HTML ratios are not used in their ranking algorithms.

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