[Resolved] Change to fixed or full-width display on mobile devices?

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Change to fixed or full-width display on mobile devices?

Home Forums Support Change to fixed or full-width display on mobile devices?

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  • #138928
    Liz Luby

    Hi there,

    I’ve asked you this question in the forum before and you shared solution, but I can’t find my past thread.

    I would like my site to show as full width or fixed width so the sidebars show in mobile devices.

    Something changed with a recent update so my GP site is now acting responsively on mobile devices again, only showing one post and photo at a time vs. the full width display of my website.

    How do I set it back to showing the full-width display so my sidebar columns again appear when people view my site’s homepage, etc on their mobile devices?

    Please let me know and thank you for your time,


    Hi Liz. You could try installing this plugin:

    Liz Luby

    Hi there, I installed the plugin months ago and it has been working, up until now. Is there another solution or an update to the disable mobile plugin that I might try?


    Something changed with a recent update

    Any idea what the change was? Or what the update was that made the change? An update to WP? The GP theme? Another plugin?

    Liz Luby

    Most recently there was an update to the GP theme so I went ahead and pressed update on that one.

    Liz Luby

    Otherwise… I haven’t made any major changes to site.

    Liz Luby

    I just reinstalled the GP Disable Mobile plugin and that worked! Thank you for your help :).


    You’re welcome. Glad you got it working.

    Liz Luby

    Hi there,

    I’ve run into another issue and I’m wondering whether it might be related to the generate-disable-mobile plugin not working correctly.

    Within the past 24 hours, images I have uploaded to display are not appearing on mobile, while they are appearing on my desktop computer.

    For example, the header logo is not appearing on mobile devices (like iPad and iPhone) and a number of my sidebar banner ad images are also not appearing, though there are white boxes appearing in their place which, when clicked on, direct to desired destination link.

    Because this is impacting both my banner ads AND my header logo, and only on mobile devices, I’m wondering if this might be related to the generate-disable-mobile plugin?

    The website in question is http://365Barrington.com.

    Please let me know whether you think this could be a theme/plugin issue and thank you so very much for your help.



    I don’t think it’s the mobile views. I just checked your site on a desktop browser and there are 20 of these errors, all related to images:

    http://365barrington.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Logo-450-365B.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    If it’s just the recent images that are having issues you might check to see if the actual image URL matches what is in the page. Or maybe W3 Total Cache isn’t getting cleared and updated?

    Geraldine Carter

    In a related issue, my Header Image and <h1> and <h2> text all load correctly on Desktop and my iPad, but not my iPhone. Thanks in advance for any help!

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Geraldine,

    Sorry I missed your question – it’s always best to start a new topic so I can catch it.

    If you’re still experiencing issues go ahead and make a topic and I’ll help ASAP.


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