blank page in edit mode

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Home Forums Support blank page in edit mode

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  • #99349

    Hi Tom,

    I have been working on my pages in WordPress today. I was trying to make some changes. Some of my pages when I click on edit, there is just a blank page. I’m not sure what I’ve done! Is there something I may have accidently clicked on? I have just installed WR PageBuilder. Also I have been trying to remove the side bar layout on a couple of pages. I click on draft to make the changes , click update and then it goes back to the original settings. What am I doing wrong?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    By blank, do you mean a completely blank page? If so, can you turn on WP DEBUG and see if any errors show up?:

    As for the sidebar layout not updating – give this a try:

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