[Resolved] Badge not show on page

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Home Forums Support Badge not show on page

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  • #183905
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Cynthia,

    On your server, you should find a folder in wp-content/themes called “generatepress”.

    You want to upload your unzipped “generatepress” folder into this folder, overwriting the contents.

    Of course, as I’ve explained, there was nothing in this update that would cause the issue to happen, so I don’t have much faith that doing this will make any difference.

    One thing you can try is switching to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Sixteen and seeing if the widgets appear. If they do, then we know there’s something in GP we have to look at.

    However, when I viewed your website, I could see the widgets without any issue, so I’m assuming it’s something locally on your computer. Have you asked any friends/family members to take a look on their computers?

    Cynthia Silk

    Hello Tom,

    I tested Twenty Sixteen and Forefront and the Facebook widgets do not appear on either theme!

    I checked the Generate Press folder and the only place I can upload anything is

    ‘Import your settings by uploading your exported .json file.’

    This will not upload an unzipped file or the generatepress folder either.

    Now what? This started with your last upgrade.

    I appreciate your assistance!


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The fact that the widgets don’t appear with those themes confirms that it has nothing to do with GeneratePress, so I wouldn’t worry about downgrading to the last version – it won’t do anything.

    Have you tried this?:

    However, when I viewed your website, I could see the widgets without any issue, so I’m assuming it’s something locally on your computer. Have you asked any friends/family members to take a look on their computers?

    Cynthia Silk

    Yes I have and I have a laptop where they show up just fine using Internet Explorer. The widgets also show up on my Samsung Android Smart Phone (which was a surprise to me).

    Cynthia Silk

    I also tested other Facebook widgets to no avail….

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Cynthia,

    So if they’re showing up for me and for you on a different computer, we can safely assume you have something going on locally with the computer that won’t show them – not something in GP/your site.

    If you think it has something to do with GP, feel free to start a fresh topic.


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