[Resolved] Badge not show on page

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Badge not show on page

Home Forums Support Badge not show on page

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  • #182579

    Recently i observed 2 badges that i had on home page from DMCA and on iSign Up page from s2member plugin they disappear and are not shown,note i use sections on those pages before it was fine.
    Also i want to add 2 badges from godaddy host to show in footer but not know how to make so they will be in one line how is it at the moment only with text thin footer when i add those codes it becomes thick with badges which look ugly it is like they display under that text line, note i add codes by Copyright Add-on.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    How are you adding these badges (I’m assuming they’re just images)?

    Can you link me to the page where they aren’t showing up?


    I add them using short codes.
    This must be on home page itesla.solutions under iCopyright
    <a href="http://www.dmca.com/Protection/Status.aspx?ID=d28de613-ddbe-4c30-ba3f-e7284c46a38b" title="DMCA.com Protection Status" class="dmca-badge"> <img src="//images.dmca.com/Badges/_dmca_premi_badge_2.png?ID=d28de613-ddbe-4c30-ba3f-e7284c46a38b" alt="DMCA.com Protection Status"></a> <script src="//images.dmca.com/Badges/DMCABadgeHelper.min.js"> </script>
    The second must be shown on this page https://itesla.solutions/isign-up/ under Before iSign Up if you hower the mouse under 4th text you can see a link and also can press but nothing show what must show.
    [s2Member-Security-Badge v="1" /]


    I have tested on home page without sections and it is the same when i edit the badge is shown in editor even with sections but if published nothing show,i have observed a good thing now i have widgets display without section.
    Anyway need to solve this badges to show please help i will donate for your support.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Adding a <script> to the content editor most likely won’t work due to the way the WP editor strips out some content. Have you tried adding it to a widget?

    I’m not sure about the shortcode as I have no knowledge of how it’s build and what’s supposed to output from it.

    It looks like you’re just using a regular page, so GP isn’t doing anything special like it would on a page with Sections for example – it’s just using straight WP core to display the content.


    But it was working before i even did not observed after what it happen such,anyway i added in a widget and it work.
    I found this after badge shortcode in editor not know from where it adds.
    // <![CDATA[
    // < ![CDATA[
    // ]]>

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Usually those tags are found at the start and end of a <script> tag.

    Is the shortcode not outputting anything at all?


    Nothing show when page published but when edit page it is there even with image.
    I try in new page but same not work after published.


    Well i think i will leave in a widget will see later.
    Thanks for your help.
    I will open one topic with other problem that is very important to find a solution to it.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    The shortcode displays when you’re editing the page? It shouldn’t, shortcodes aren’t executed in the editor – only on the front end.


    Not know what fixed but i think after update of BuddyPress they now are shown on a page if i add them.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Good news! 🙂


    One last question if you know maybe because i search google but it show me an animal.
    My site access some Badger not know what it was i had it blocked manually in Wordfence plugin.
    Do you know what is it?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm I’m afraid not, sorry!

    Cynthia Silk


    As you know I am having the same issue however with my two Facebook widgets that worked perfectly until your latest upgrade to 1.3.28. You have kindly send me the older version 1.3.27 however on the WordPress themes generatepress folder there is no place to upload an unzipped file, only a .json file. Where do I upload the unzipped file from? Thanks – this is urgent!

    Cynthia A. Silk

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