
Feature Image Not Fully Responsive

Hi, I have a problem on the main page of my blog: the Feature image is not fully responsive and starts resizing too late when making the browser window smaller. Please see the behavior here: Basically the Desktop CSS Viewport doesn’t scale the picture – the Mobile Viewport does it correctly. Is there a … Read more

Responsive screen width

Hi there, I am using Generate Press and the SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin I saw you recommended to someone when they asked about creating page layouts. At the moment there are two ways the site can be viewed – full (desktop computer and landscape tablet) and mobile (portrait tablet and smartphone). I was wondering if … Read more

Videojs in GP Hooks

Hi Tom, I am still trying to solve the problem of my videos not showing up on tablets and phones. I have found a page with the solution for videojs but I don’t understand the instructions. Would really appreciate it if you could be specific as to what I need to do. One of my … Read more

Keep sidebars the same width when responsive [option]

I’d like to see (even if it’s an option) for the sidebar to remain the same width even when the screen width reduces. At the moment both the content and the sidebars become narrower. What about just the content area.