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  • #1207796
    rafel jesus

    Hi there.
    I copied a blog from the old website but the customizer doesn’t work or maybe I don’t use well.
    I put the website below these lines.
    I change the settings in customizer-design-blog and typography but I don’t like it.
    I also eliminate the CSS code of this theme, now I have that.
    How can I do a new setting or create shortcode entries in the blog?
    Thanks for your time and patience.

    /* GeneratePress Site CSS */ /* Typography styling */

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    /* End GeneratePress Site CSS */`

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Sorry I’m not sure if I understand.

    What is the exact issue here? Certain options aren’t working in the customizer?

    If so which options?

    Can you also do this first?

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo.
    I deactivate the WP Rocket and I have that.

    This is the main page for the blog
    And this is the one post from the blog

    And this is the post in the actual blog, I know I haven’t the same but the more similar as possible. How can I do it? Can you help me?

    Customer Support

    Hmm I’m definitely still seeing WP Rockets activated.

    Can you describe a bit fo what I’m supposed to be looking at above?

    Like the spacing below the primary navigation?

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo.
    Excuse me I didn’t off WP Rocket, I do it.
    Between the main menu you would have to see some white space, as it would be more elegant, also make the word blog disappear, and that the typography was smaller. I think this kind of bloc isn’t elegant, is a rude block, more same to the third picture I uploaded.
    I do not like the space in the main navigation, how can I solve it?
    Thanks for your time and patience.

    Customer Support

    Ok let’s try to look at one thing at the time.

    I’m seeing a custom-hero div:

    Is that needed?

    rafel jesus

    Hi, Yes I think, I don’t know Code.
    But if I can eliminate this code for a do a better blog it’s perfect.

    Customer Support

    I don’t believe you needed that? Isn’t that just displaying the title of the post?

    Can you remove that for now?

    rafel jesus

    How? Where is this code?

    Customer Support

    This isn’t added by default. Did you import a site recently and decide not to use it?

    If so are you able to revert the changes?

    rafel jesus

    I take a look and I will say.

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo.
    But if I do that I lost the website I did with Bold Theme
    If you want access to the admin panel I can do access

    Customer Support

    What’s your top content padding set in the customizer?

    rafel jesus

    Hi Leo.
    But that doesn’t work, I change some code in Elements about the blog, for example, I eliminated the word BLOG, and I introduce more space between the main menu and the text.
    That doesn’t work on page “https://proves.ccfoto.cat/actualitat/” and in the entries of the blog.
    I tried to change typography in Appearance > Customize > Typography and doesn’t work, as well.
    and I repeat If you want access to the admin panel I can do access.
    Thanks for your time and patience

    Customer Support

    Let’s try to work on one thing at the time.

    What exactly isn’t working on this page?

    Access to the admin panel won’t help as I cannot make changes or construct your site for you.

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