GeneratePress 2.2.2

GeneratePress 2.2.2 is a minor release with various small bug fixes.

  • New: Add support for responsive embeds (videos etc..)
  • Fix: Background/text color conflict in block editor if content background is using rgba
  • Fix: Remove aria-expanded attribute from menu dropdown arrows when no menu is set
  • Fix: Notice in block editor when h5 font size is set
  • Fix: Notice if right/left content padding values are non-numeric
  • Fix: Microdata spelling of WPSideBar
  • Fix: Align-full alignment issue in block editor when Gutenberg plugin is active
  • Fix: Shortcode block label text color when using light text
  • Fix: Content title color in Gutenberg while in code editor

7 thoughts on “GeneratePress 2.2.2”

    • generatepress.woff2 still exists, but it’s a tiny file – it isn’t really a problem. We’ll be introducing an inline SVG option in 2.3 which will remove the icon font if you choose to use it.

  1. Tom, I did not want you to get bored with this file. You are a very good person. And I am very glad I bought your theme. I like it completely, I just want to make the theme even better.

    God blease you. And thank you very much. You are awesome.

    Best, regars.

  2. Hi Tom, I have an old version of Generate Press that has been customized, and I had a friend help me several years ago with the css. My current version is 1.2.4–and I need to update it but fear losing all the customization and formatting I have in place. What I’ve done is copy all the GP Hooks that are currently in place and copied the Custom CSS as well. If I update to the current version of the theme, how badly will it mess up the appearance of my website? Thanks in advance for your help!

    • Hi there,

      Did you make any changes to the core theme files? The files in wp-content/themes/generatepress? If not, you should be fine to update.

      If changes were made to the core theme files, those changes will be lost.

      Things like Hooks and custom CSS (if added in a child theme or Customizer/plugin) won’t be lost.


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