[Resolved] Woocommerce Product Image Too Large – not working

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Woocommerce Product Image Too Large – not working

Home Forums Support Woocommerce Product Image Too Large – not working

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    In the customize window there are two options for resizing products images. The resizer works for thumb nail images, but the resizer for the main images does not work. When I adjust the size it only reduces the resolution and not the actual physical size of the image, and the image itself is way too large. I’ve tried many different sizes of media files and nothing works. Can you help me? Thanks.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    If you are referring to Customizer > WooCommerce > Product Images, those options are from WooCommerce themselves so it’s best to check with their support.

    Hope this helps!


    You must set your image sizes correctly BEFORE you upload or attach the images in both settings – media and in older versions of woocommerce – settings – products – display. In the latest version of woo, they’ve moved some thumbnail settings to customize – woocommerce – product images and they are no longer in the woocommerce settings.

    You see, wordpress hardcodes image dimensions into the img tag when you attach it to a post/page/product – so if you change the image size in the media folder but still have the old hardcoded dimensions in the tag you will see what you’re seeing – a crappy upsized version of the image.

    If you’ve uploaded a bunch of images and attached them to products you must redo all those attachments and attach the NEW sized images.

    THIS is why you want to make sure your image sizes are appropriate BEFORE you do any of that, because redoing it later is a real pain.

    Oh, and you should DELETE the old improperly sized images before uploading them again so as not to have a crapload of unused images confusing you when you go to attach.


    Hi Nun – I did all of what you mentioned and none of it works. I’ve deleted all images from the media folder, renamed my media files (just in case) – set my sizes in settings-media and in the customizer, made sure my media images were the same size and then uploaded them into the product image. Same problem is still there. The product image thumbnail looks fine, when you click on it to see the description page, the image is HUGE – it takes up half the page. When I try to resize it in the customizer it only changes the resolution and not the actual size of the image. Any ideas?



    Are you looking at source/using firebug to see the actual image tags and what’s in there?


    Hi Nun – thanks for the response. I’d like to show you my URL but I don’t want it to be seen publicly – is there a way to show that privately?

    Customer Support

    Not for another user unfortunately.

    Might want to just ask WooCommerce to check why the image resizing aren’t working.


    OK, thanks, Leo.

    Customer Support

    No problem 🙂

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