[Resolved] widget background issue

Home Forums Support [Resolved] widget background issue

Home Forums Support widget background issue

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  • #53821


    Just purchased the add-ons and setting up the site. On the right sidebar the background does not span along the entire comment. You can check this out

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Can you post a link so I can take a look at what’s happening?



    Hi Tom,

    The link to the page is here

    Thanks and Regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Looks like there’s some custom CSS causing those boxes to float left, which in turn isn’t allowing the widget container to know when to end.

    Try adding this CSS:

    .rcpt_items_list li {
        float: none !important;

    Hi Tom,

    That did work for me. And i did put in the code you provided up in simple CSS is that what i use or is there a section within the Generatepress customizer?

    Also some more issue that i have are as follows:

    1. On the right sidebar how to I center align content.
    2. On the comment there are 4 sections. How do i equally spread across the comment section.
    3. In the footer section the widgets are overlapping.
    4. If you look at the Listing page and the Search results page, the search results page displays correctly. If i need to get the same look and feel for the listings page as well how do i do it?

    Awaiting for your earliest response.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Thanks and Regards,


    About the Search results page and the listings page. I need the following:

    1. Need the separate container for each post that is already available in the search results page on the listings page as well.
    2. The content is not correctly aligned to the container.
    3. Is there a possibility to use the customizer to enable and disable the content on the posts i.e. post date, tags, categories etc
    4. Also if i need add additional customization features can i add it to the customizer. As i see it will be easier to export and import settings from 1 place?

    Thanks and Regards,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    1. How to center things: http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/center.en.html

    2. How to put comments sections in one row:

    .comment-form #author, .comment-form #email, .comment-form #url {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        display: inline-block;
        width: 32.9%;

    3. I’m not seeing any overlapping widgets? If it’s happening, it’s probably the same issue as the first one on this page.

    4. The listing page is controlled by the plugin itself, so there’s no way to make it work and look exactly like regular blog posts in GP. You’ll need to ask the plugin author if there’s a way to do this.

    5. If you have the content layout set to separate containers, then they should already each have their own container. If not, you probably have some CSS somewhere conflicting with the default style. It looks like you have quite a bit of custom CSS added to the site, so I can’t help much there.

    6. By default, the content is definitely aligned inside the container – if it’s not on your site, it’s most likely custom CSS that you or another plugin has added.

    7. You can disable the author, date, categories etc.. using the Blog add-on.

    8. Absolutely, you can add anything you like to the Customizer if you know how to add the code to your child theme 🙂

    9. You can import and export settings with the Import/Export add-on through the “Appearance > GeneratePress” area.

    Hope this helps!

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