Why not activate all add on

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Home Forums Support Why not activate all add on

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  • #107570
    Niels Erik Karkov

    I bought the full Collection of add ons. In the information materiale you say that I should activate the plugins when I need them.
    Why not activate them all? Are they doing something, like slowing the site? And if I activate a plug in and make use of it – for instance some typography – what happens if I deactivate the plugin.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    You can activate all of them if you need them – they won’t slow down your site.

    However, if you don’t need some of them, there’s no need to activate them.

    If you enable one like Typography and make changes, deactivating it will also deactivate those changes on your site, so it needs to stay activated.

    You can definitely have them all activated if you need all of them for something – it won’t cause any issues 🙂

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