[Support request] Where do icons come from in connection theme and how to change them

Home Forums Support [Support request] Where do icons come from in connection theme and how to change them

Home Forums Support Where do icons come from in connection theme and how to change them

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  • #2375077

    Hi guys,
    i use the generate press connections theme.

    I wonder where the icons (main page, our services, wedding-ceremony) come from
    I can see the link:

    <svg xml:space=”preserve” style=”enable-background:new 0 0 480.001 480.001″ viewBox=”0 0 480.001 480.001″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg”><path d=”M234.984 240h10.001c33.086 0 60.004-26.916 60.004-60 0-5.523-4.477-10-10.001-10h-9.764c-13.831 0-25.523-9.333-29.108-22.032 12.119-3.094 23.143-9.649 31.746-19.009 11.044-12.017 17.127-27.628 17.127-43.959s-6.082-31.942-17.127-43.959c-10.445-11.364-24.456-18.593-39.665-20.514-1.008-.341-13.213-.527-13.213-.527-60.659 0-110.008 49.346-110.008 110s49.349 110 110.008 110zm0-200s8.671.157 9.103.196C267.404 42.298 284.988 61.56 284.988 85s-17.584 42.702-40.901 44.804c-.428.039-4.815.188-5.184.183-15.037-.354-28.42-7.992-36.369-19.987h7.449c19.462 0 37.738-8.613 50.142-23.632 3.517-4.258 2.916-10.561-1.343-14.078-4.258-3.517-10.562-2.917-14.079 1.343C236.111 84.034 223.456 90 209.982 90H187.08a10 10 0 0 0-9.623 12.723c7.587 26.812 30.936 45.502 58.55 47.158 4.598 22.396 24.148 39.405 47.72 40.098C279.284 207.223 263.598 220 244.985 220h-10.001c-49.63 0-90.007-40.374-90.007-90s40.377-90 90.007-90zM384.995 150.001a10.003 10.003 0 0 0-8.088 4.118l-56.477 77.65C307.572 249.446 286.845 260 264.986 260c-5.524 0-10.001 4.477-10.001 10s4.478 10 10.001 10c28.238 0 55.011-13.633 71.619-36.468l53.202-73.146c14.264 2.309 25.19 14.71 25.19 29.614v260h-21.98l-38.262-172.17a9.998 9.998 0 0 0-11.932-7.592c-5.392 1.198-8.791 6.539-7.593 11.931l40.003 180a10 10 0 0 0 9.762 7.831h40.003c5.524 0 10.001-4.477 10.001-10V200c0-27.57-22.432-50-50.004-49.999z”></path><path d=”M294.817 308.157c-1.017-5.429-6.245-9.002-11.672-7.986-5.428 1.017-9.004 6.243-7.986 11.671l25.561 136.314c.753 4.016-1.014 6.879-2.134 8.229-1.12 1.35-3.61 3.614-7.696 3.614H74.747c-11.314 0-21.174-6.056-26.376-16.2-2.273-4.433-3.406-9.136-3.42-13.803.442-.013.89-.056 1.339-.13 67.695-11.161 134.843-47.274 189.073-101.686 3.899-3.912 3.888-10.244-.024-14.142-3.912-3.899-10.244-3.887-14.143.024-48.412 48.575-107.496 81.697-167.446 94.081L168.16 248.98c3.223-4.485 2.201-10.734-2.284-13.957-4.485-3.221-10.734-2.201-13.958 2.284L34.466 400.704c-11.042 15.362-12.534 35.372-3.894 52.222 8.563 16.7 25.49 27.075 44.174 27.075H290.89a29.914 29.914 0 0 0 23.087-10.841 29.913 29.913 0 0 0 6.401-24.688l-25.561-136.315zM389.995 0h-25.002c-22.058 0-40.003 17.944-40.003 40v25c0 35.841 29.161 65 65.005 65S455 100.841 455 65 425.839 0 389.995 0zm-25.002 20h25.002c19.529 0 36.192 12.501 42.405 29.922-.924.052-1.85.078-2.774.078H386.33c-15.413 0-29.75-7.091-39.115-19.159C350.544 24.408 357.264 20 364.993 20zm25.002 90c-24.815 0-45.003-20.187-45.003-45v-8.606C356.778 65.125 371.184 70 386.33 70h43.296c1.705 0 3.413-.063 5.117-.189C432.334 92.37 413.185 110 389.995 110z”></path></svg>

    The question is where can i find similar icons if i want to change the icons?

    thanks a lot for your kind help.

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    ill ask the designer


    Hello. I am the designer of the Connection starter site.

    I get most of the icons from here:


    thanks so much for your kind help
    so i can download the svg and then upload it to the mediathek and link it then right?

    i have another question if you could be so kind and help me.
    on the connection starter site i put down the main picture on top so that the menu now has its own color. (paar-therapie-online.com)
    When i go to generatepress color options i can see header background color. When i change this to another color there is no change in the header with the menue on the main site(home) only on the other sites like about us etc, do you have any idea why?
    I try to change the grey color on the main site which is in the top of the site where the menu is, this is still grey on the main site (home) but yellow on the other sites and i would like it yellow on the main page as well.

    thanks a lot for your kind help, and congratulation to the connecion site, its really nice i love it.


    I am glad you like the site!

    The homepage is using the Home header merge element. You need to go that element, select Site Header underneath then select a new color near where it says Header Background. You can also select header color transparency, if you like.


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