[Support request] Weird things going on with widgets

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Home Forums Support Weird things going on with widgets

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    Hi Tom

    Further to our discussion on Facebook,

    Please find attached a link where the widgets won’t go away, in customiser there set to 0 and in post and pages also on global/0

    Can’t figure it would greatly appreciate your help.



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Really strange, can you try deactivating your other plugins one by one to see if one of them is causing an issue?


    Hi Tom

    Have done what you have asked it seems to be the plugin blog designer pro, though I do really need to use this plugin I don’t seem to be having any issues with other themes?

    Any advice appreciated.



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    It must be adding the get_sidebar() function somewhere in its templates. Can you contact their developers to see if it’s possible to disable the sidebar?


    Hi Tom

    Have put in a support request will see what they come back with but it may effect what theme I use due to maybe not being able to use the plugin but if not will try anywhere elementor thank you for your advice.

    While we here I have been looking at some threads on here about applying a sticky footer.

    I assume this is still hard to achieve to keep the footer at the bottom if you don’t have enough content?

    If it is, what is the option to give an optional colour bellow the copyright where if the footer will rise that colour will show?



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m sure we can figure out the sidebar thing if they get back to you.

    As for the footer, something like this might help: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/has-sticky-footer-been-figured-out/page/2/#post-349228


    Hi Tom

    Thanks the footer worked lets see what they say first hopefully they will get back to me!


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    No problem!

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