[Resolved] Webmaster-Tools: Missing: "author", "updated"

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Webmaster-Tools: Missing: "author", "updated"

Home Forums Support Webmaster-Tools: Missing: "author", "updated"

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  • #59506

    Dear Tom,
    Webmaster-Tools shoes missing “author”, “updated”


    How can I solfe this?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Franz,

    Both of these tags should exist.

    Can you link me to a page where they’re saying those tags don’t exist so I can take a look at the code?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    That looks like it’s happening because that’s a page, and not a post.

    Usually, only posts from a blog have an author tag.

    Let me know if that makes sense or not 🙂



    I have the same, started when i activated generate press but what’s strange, when i do live testing with webmastertools the test shows no errors, and yet the error stays, yes only pages and for example this: http://www.deportretmaniak.nl/?attachment_id=4597

    before your theme i used graphene and did not have this error message. Still i think it is not a big problem because i did not change seo.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Paul,

    Pages typically don’t have author or updated tags – they’re static pages.

    Blog posts do have author tags and published/updated tags, as they’re added frequently.

    I may need to find a way to let Google know that these are pages and not posts, so those tags aren’t required.

    For now, having these tags missing won’t affect your SEO at all – you won’t notice any negative effect.


    Hi Tom,

    yes that’s right it has no impact and it seems not that important to google.

    My averige position of the pages wa still the same,

    thanks for your repley, the theme is just working great and much faster than the old one graphene


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Good to hear! 🙂


    Hi Tom,

    the plugin solves the problem, see link below, missing “author”, “updated” for my pages in webmastertools



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