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    Tom –

    Just wanted to say “thanks” for your quick response to the upgrade issue. In the development world it is inevitable that, no matter how thorough our review and testing, we will occasionally encounter an unforeseen problem. The speed of your response to resolving this issue is commendable. And, there are very few theme authors that would offer to personally help their customers fix an issue of this type. Your response demonstrates your dedication to your product and to those who use it. Thank you.


    Cynthia Silk

    I agree with bdbrown Tom! Great super efficient service!

    Thanks again!


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Wow, thank you! This particular error had to do with an old PHP version. I was unlucky enough that all of my test environments were using the latest version of PHP (this will change).

    In the future, I’ll run all updates through beta testers (I’ll be making an announcement shortly for those of you who want to sign up and help me out).

    I want everyone to trust the updates I put out, so days like today hurt – but I’ll learn from it and it won’t happen again!

    Thanks again for understanding!

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