[Support request] Template Tags not working

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Home Forums Support Template Tags not working

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  • #1579226

    I made a Block Element to use as a page header. Hooked it into generate_after_navigation. It’s appearing as it’s supposed to but the template tag just shows as text…{{Post_title}}

    It’s not pulling in the actual title like it did in “the old days”.

    Is there another way to use the template tags now?


    Customer Support


    {{post_title}} and other template tags only work within the Header Element (not block elements).

    That said, you’ll need a plugin that displays dynamic text to display within your Block element layout.

    Alternatively, you can write your own shortcodes that display dynamic texts.

    Example: “A shortcode that displays the page/post title”

    function dynamic_title_function( $atts ) {
        $atts = shortcode_atts(
                'tag' => '',
                'style' => '',
            ), $atts, 'dynamic_title' );
        $tag = $atts['tag'];
        $style = $atts['style'];
        $output = '';
            $output = sprintf( '<%1$s style="%3$s"> %2$s </%1$s>',
    			esc_html( get_the_title() ),
        } else {
            $ouput = esc_html( get_the_title() );
        echo $output;
    add_shortcode( 'dynamic_title', 'dynamic_title_function' );

    With this snippet, you can use [dynamic_title tag="h1" style="color:red;"] on your block element to display page title.

    Note: I’ve written this shortcode in a way where if you only want the string, you can just use [dynamic_title] without the attributes.

    You can also make this for other things like meta terms.

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