[Support request] TASTY THEME: How to add a new container on home page

Home Forums Support [Support request] TASTY THEME: How to add a new container on home page

Home Forums Support TASTY THEME: How to add a new container on home page

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    Hi! I’m setting up the Tasty theme and would like to add more content under the recent blog posts. I can’t figure out how to do that. I want to add different categories with a row of posts for each.
    Thanks for any help!

    Customer Support

    Hi Kathy,

    In Appearance > Widgets, you can add a GenearteBlocks Query Loop Block. With that Block, you should be able to query posts of specific categories.

    Reference: https://docs.generateblocks.com/article/query-loop-overview/


    Thank you! and how can I choose what category I want to show up in the query?


    Also, under widgets to add it only has side bar, footer, header and top bar. I would like to add blocks under the main content area of the site. Thanks for any help!

    Customer Support

    In the Block settings of the Query Loop Block, you can add a parameter. Choose Taxonomies > Categories. See: https://generateblocks.com/creating-related-posts-with-query-loop-block/#:~:text=Example%203%20%E2%80%93%20Posts%20within%20a%20specific%20category

    If you want to add recent posts under all content in your site, you can use a Block Element Hook – Hook. First, go to Appearance > GeneratePress and enable Elements module. Then create a Block Element, and add the Query loop block there.

    Reference: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/block-element-hook/


    Hi! I did it and hit publish, but it did not show up on my blog.


    Ok, got it working, thank you!

    Customer Support

    You’re welcome Kathy!


    I’m still having trouble. The Query Loop only allows for a row of two items and I need 3-4. I tried using the templates blocks that look how I want, but once they are posted they go in a column. I made sure I had it checked to go horizontal.

    How can i edit image sizes in the template blocks, I can’t find where to do that.


    I tried to use the WP Show Posts but the short code number shows up instead of the content. Please help, I’ve beenhere for hours trying to figure this out.

    Customer Support

    The Query Loop only allows for a row of two items and I need 3-4

    Do you mean you want 3-4 posts in one row? If so, select thepost template (container) block under the Gridblock, change its width from 50% to 33.3% for 3 columns or 25% for 4 columns.

    but once they are posted they go in a column. I made sure I had it checked to go horizontal.

    Not sure what this means, can you link us to your site and point us to this query loop block?


    Where would this be? I’m in the Tasty theme and in the center there is the blog, and there is no way to add anything under it in the Customize area unless I go to Elements in the dashboard.

    So in Elements, I would add a grid block, then a post template container?

    Customer Support

    Here’s a screenshot showing how to change the column setting of a Query Loop Block: https://share.getcloudapp.com/RBuZwvlw

    Then, as for the position, where do you want it placed exactly?

    Here are some hooks you can chose: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/hooks-visual-guide/


    Nope, still not working for me. I want one row of posts from a single category, they keep coming out vertical no matter what I try.

    Customer Support

    Can you share the link where we can view the Query Loop?

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