[Resolved] Sticky menu doesn’t work

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Sticky menu doesn’t work

Home Forums Support Sticky menu doesn’t work

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  • #1584918

    Dear friends since the last update of GP Premium, sticky navigation, in crhome, opera, chromium is not seen. Instead in firefox, it works perfectly. You can help me with this problem (I have cleared the cache already several times, even via TFP). I give you the URL of my website so you can check it:
    https://paucompany.es. It happens to me on other sites, where I use your theme too,:
    Waiting for your response, attentively:

    Pau Company

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Any chance you can disable all plugins except GP Premium to eliminate conflicts from other plugins first?

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚


    After disabling the plugin to plugin, except in Firefox where the sticky menu works perfectly, it still doesn’t in Operram Crhome, Crhomium and Egde. Also clear the cache of all browsers. It is not that it is very serious, but I would like to know what I can do and the reason why it does not work in these browsers and in Firefoz it does. To the mat of your answer, sincerely:

    Pau Company

    Customer Support

    Just to confirm, we are looking at this site right?

    It doesn’t look like all plugins are disabled currently, I’m still seeing a bunch of console errors that aren’t coming from GP:


    Obviously after deactivating all the add-ons one by one and seeing that he still had the same problem, he activated them again. At the moment there are only three console errors, the rest that you are viewing are blocked by Karpesky. The funny thing is that in firefox the sticky menu works correctly with all installed plugins. And if we talk about https://paucompany.es. Waiting for the solution, attentively:
    Pau Company

    Customer Support

    I’m not sure if I fully understand.

    Can you first deactivate all plugins except GP Premium and let me have a look?



    I have deactivated all plugins again and the error persists. The menu continues without sticking. When inspecting the code I discover (in chrome 7 errors in the console but for reasons of wpo-minify-header-e5786c32.min.js: 5 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2, which as you know stopped being used as of the version of WordPress Even as you know it is not recommended to stop using it because there are plugins that still use an old version of Jquery The other errors are from stats.g.doubleclick.net/g/collect?v=2&tid=G-RCCRG960S0&cid=83611453.1608758188 & gtm = 2oebu0 & aip = 1: 1, so I don’t think it has anything to do with the problem. From the Firefox code imspector, I detect the same and the sticky menu, it works perfectly. Sorry for the delay in my answer, but I have eaten a lot these holidays. Waiting for a solution, attentively:

    Pau company. URL: https://paucompany.es

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi there,

    In javascript, an error like the following will prevent all other javascript below it from executing: https://www.screencast.com/t/bBn1fj74aMUe

    The error seems to be coming from some inline javascript. Alterta? Or maybe MailChimp?

    It could be added via a widget or a Hook Element, but if that error is fixed it should fix the sticky navigation.


    In effect I use a piece of HTML code, which loads a Javascript file from MailChimp, embedding it in the Blomm plugin from ElegatThemes. I have seen the error that you show me in the screenshot and I have reviewed the mentioned code, but I cannot locate the problem. I have also removed this to verify that it was the cause of the failure, cleared the cache both through WP-Rocket, and via FTP deleting all folders and the error persists. The funny thing is that in Firefox, with the same code, it works perfectly. I don’t really know how to solve the problem, could you help me? Waiting for your response, attentively:

    Pau Company

    Customer Support

    Where did you get the code from?

    Can you check with the code author first?

    We cannot help with fixing custom code here unfortunately.


    Dear Friends. I copied the code from the mail chimp subscription bedroom section. It has no secret for me. I have been professionally programming programming for more than 28 years, but if the cause of the sticky menu does not work, I do not understand why, nor can I locate the error. I copy the code that are simple like this:

    <style type = "text / css">
    #mc_embed_signup {background: #fff; clear: left; font: 14px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
    / * Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block.
    We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. * /
    <form action = "https://paucompany.us9.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=d8a58d29a0df49cc000fe8661&id=6198271e1f" method = "post" id = "mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name = "mc- embedded-subscribe-form "class =" validate "target =" _ blank "novalidate>
    <div class="indicates-required"> <span class = "asterisk"> * </span> Required fields </div> <br/>
    <div class="mc-field-group">
    <label for = "mce-EMAIL"> Mail: <span class = "asterisk"> * </span>
    <input type = "email" value = "" name = "EMAIL" class = "required email" id = "mce-EMAIL">
    <div class="mc-field-group input-group">
        <strong> Consent * </strong> <span class = "asterisk"> * </span> <br> <br>
        <ul aling = "center"> <li> <input type = "checkbox" value = "1" name = "group [4065] [1]" class = "required" id = "mce-group [4065] -4065 -0 ">
       <label for = "mce-group [4065] -4065-0" align = "center"> I have read and accept the <a href="https://paucompany.es/politica-de-privacidad/" target="_ blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> privacy policy </a> </label> </li>
    <div class="clear">
    <div class="response"> </div>
    <div class="response"> </div>
    </div> <! - real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups ->
        <div> <input type = "text" name = "b_d8a58d29a0df49cc000fe8661_6198271e1f" tabindex = "- 1" value = ""> </div>
        <div class="clear"> <input type = "submit" value = "Subscribe" name = "subscribe" id = "mc-embedded-subscribe" class = "button"> </div>
    <script async src = '.. / .. / alert.js'> </script> <script type = 'text / javascript'> (function ($) {window.fnames = new Array (); window.ftypes = new Array (); fnames [0] = 'EMAIL'; ftypes [0] = 'email'; </script>

    As you will see simple HTML5. I am attaching the URL of alert.js, already compressed https://paucompany.es/alerta.js. I still don’t understand because the same code works in firefox and, Waterfox G3.0.2 – Third Generation Release and in browsers with a crhomium engine not (Operra, Chrome, Crhomium). I await your answer and well if you are not able to give me a solution, nothing happens either. I will find out the cause on my own and I will inform you so that you can do it with other clients:

    Pau Company. Ah! and happy 2021

    Customer Support

    The code is causing a javascript error as Tom pointed out in the previous post:

    If you mention that error to MailChimp’s support then they should be able to tell what’s causing it.


    I insist that the code that I copy from Mailchimp and embed in blom, which removed, cleared the cache both from WP-Roquet, and via FTP and although the JavaScript error disappears, the sticky menu stops working. However the same code works perfectly in Firefox AND Waterfox (both with the same engine). Well, nothing happens either, since you cannot help me, excuse both the time and the inconvenience caused. I will try to check the code again and try to solve it. Thanks a lot:

    Pau Company

    Customer Support

    Glad to hear ๐Ÿ™‚


    Resolved. The fault was mine. There were some lines in PHP misspelled in the child theme. The menu is already stuck in the header of the Web. I feel ashamed, for not thinking about it sooner. Sorry for the inconvenience. Attentively:

    Pau Company

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