[Support request] Sticky Mega Menu

Home Forums Support [Support request] Sticky Mega Menu

Home Forums Support Sticky Mega Menu

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  • #924749

    I am developing a travel blog. I designed the mega menu as you suggested in a previous ticket answer, and I customized it a bit.
    Now the mega menu is ok in normal mode, but when it goes to sticky menu, everything turns out to a mess. Can you help me with it?
    Thank you

    Customer Support

    Hi there,

    Can you give this a shot and see if it works?

    Let me know 🙂


    Ok, it works, except for the fact that the horizontal position of the scrolled sticky menu is changed a bit towards the right edge, if you compare it to the unscrolled menu.
    I updated the site so ou can check it.
    I think that the minimum option would be that the scrolled menu be in the same horizontal position than that of the unscrolled menu. Even better (but I would like to see how it looks) would be to align the scrolled menu to the center of the header (I don’t know if this could be easily achived or not, what do you think?)
    Thank you

    Customer Support

    Hmm the entire menu shifts to the right a bit in sticky mode (without the logo) so the mega menu follow with it.

    I’ve not tested this but maybe consider using this method?

    The CSS mega menu is supposed to be a very simple version of the mega menu and sometimes difficult to tweak.

    Maybe consider using a third party mega menu plugin and you might have more controls?


    I added a right padding to the sticky menu, I don’t know if it is the correct way to achive this results but it seems to work!

    Customer Support

    Looks good to me!

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