Stationary Navigation

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Home Forums Support Stationary Navigation

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  • #26395
    David Riviera

    I use second navigation for a global header across multiple sites. I’d love for this to be stationary as the page scrolls, so the top navigation (set to Above the Header) stays in position as the page scrolls beneath it. Don’t know if it can be done, but it’s a suggestion… A [x] Stationary Navigation check box.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi David,

    You can do this with some simple CSS:

    .secondary-navigation {
          width: 100%;

    That will make it so the nav always sticks to the top.

    Let me know if you have any questions πŸ™‚

    David Riviera

    Almost worked. The header moved up the 37px high that my top navigation is. I added this to compensate:

    body {
    	padding-top: 37px;
    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer


    Dee Broughton

    Wait! What? Where can I get secondary navigation? I was trying to make the main navigation stationary, but I also want to know if we are getting second or third menus anytime soon?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    It’s the newest addon available πŸ™‚


    Ooooooooooo, it’s like Christmas! I missed that one. πŸ™‚

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