Apologies if this topic has been covered previously, if it has I have been unable to find it, or a suitable answer after a couple of evenings searching on Google.
I am trying to get my site title, the name of the company XYZ Ltd, to show up in a browser tab, along with the page title so it reads XYZ Ltd | About Us (or any page title).
However, when I insert the site title, either in WP general setting or GP customise menu, it places the site title in the header of the site too and I am unable to remove it, without removing it from the browser tab too.
Have you tried the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin? It allows you to set up the structure of your title tag and make it display in whatever order you want.
Thanks for the prompt response, sorry it’s taken me nearly a week to get back to you, it’s been one of those weeks!!
I do have WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin installed and have my company name in, what I believe to be the correct place, but still it’s still a no show in the browser tab, still looks like… About Us |
I know it’s probably going to be something and nothing, but I just can’t figure out what it it is…it’s driving me mad!!