Serving scaled images on blog

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Home Forums Support Serving scaled images on blog

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  • #104959
    Mark Flint

    Hi Tom,

    I’ve been on a site speed improving mission recently but one factor I can’t find a solution for is serving scaled images, which is having a very negative effect on this site:

    The images need to be uploaded at 1000px wide so that they look good when they are the most recent article, but when a newer article is posted they scale down underneath as the plugin stacks two articles wide underneath. Is there a way to scale these images down to size once they’re off the most recent article (automatically, rather than manually)?



    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, this is a tough one – I can’t think of a way to do it, as the size of the blog posts are determined by CSS/JS, and the size of the images are determined by PHP. There would have to be some sort of indicator that the image was in one of the two columns, which I don’t think is possible.

    I’ll keep thinking about it 🙂

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