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  • #108573
    Garth Dryland

    Hey Tom,

    I’ve been having more browser related issues from Firefox completely reloading each page every time to other issues like Chrome and Opera having menu flickering issues where the search icon disappears between page loads.

    We have spoken about this type of thing before and I believe it is likely associated with a plugin or my isp or the like. IE and Safari appear to work fine however during the course of testing across the various browsers, I noticed that Safari shows the menu unlike all other browsers.

    There is like another spare field between each menu item. This area is perhaps 5px wide and the height of the menu bar. Have you noticed this before? Do you see what I see? If so what is causing that and can it be fixed to look like all other browsers listed.

    Reference site http://accountwise.co.nz


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Garth,

    I’m not seeing any flickering of the search icon, but in the icon is added via HTML instead of javascript, so there will be no chance of any flickering/jumping.

    As for the spacing between items, I believe I have this fixed as well.

    Try adding this CSS:

    .nav-aligned-right .main-navigation ul,
    .nav-aligned-center .main-navigation ul {
    	letter-spacing: -0.31em;
    .nav-aligned-right .main-navigation ul li,
    .nav-aligned-center .main-navigation ul li {
    	letter-spacing: normal;

    Let me know πŸ™‚

    Garth Dryland

    Hi Tom

    Its great to hear the javascript is being swapped out for html as this flickering/jumping issue does my head in. Did you by chance already do this in one of the latest releases re the menu drop downs because they also use to jump around like the search icon but i don’t see that happening lately?

    As for the css I added it the the stylesheet (via Jetpack CSS editor) and it made no difference whatsoever. I even tried upping the negative number to -.91em (note that for some reason I loose the 0 from the -0.31em following saving the changes) and the result menu wise remains identical to before inserting any CSS.

    A fix for this would be awesome but if you need some time to sort it, I will just have to wait.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Yes, the dropdown arrows are now hard-coded in as well to avoid the JS jump πŸ™‚

    That random number shouldn’t change – that’s the exact size to negate the spacing.

    I’m not seeing the code I gave you above added to the site you linked to? Did you remove it perhaps?

    Garth Dryland

    Yes sorry i did remove it. I have since added it back to the production site stated above.

    I get that -0.31em; is the size of the area in question. I just tried a larger number to see if I could see any visible change to the reduction in size of the area between the items.

    Either way I loose the 0 from the -0.31em; portion of the CSS after saving the stylesheet. Maybe its a bug in the Jetpack CSS editor?

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hmm, it’s working on my development site in Safari..

    Can you possibly send me temporary login details to support@generatepress.com?

    Garth Dryland

    I set up another clone of the production site which you should have received the login details for by now.

    I have authorized and tested the credentials and they work. Hopefully you have no problem with access this time.

    Let me know if you have any problems and what you did to fix the issue. Thanks

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I can’t seem to edit the theme’s files – can you make sure I have full access to everything?

    Garth Dryland

    I have now enabled file edits. Hopefully you’re ok now. I also enabled debugging for you and noticed an issue but at this stage I haven’t had a chance to look into it. Any idea what that’s all about? Cheers.

    Garth Dryland

    Had to race out before but back now so have looked into the debug issue and it appears to be connected to one of my premium plugins and likely throwing the notice due to depreciated code.

    I have disabled the plugin which removed the notice. I will contact them about that.

    Let me know if you still cant access. Cheers.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m getting a forbidden access message (403) now while trying to login?

    Garth Dryland

    Oh sorry. I reactivated white listing by mistake. It should be okay now.

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Figured out the fix! I applied it to your site, and it will be a part of the next version of GP πŸ™‚

    Garth Dryland

    Oh WOW !!!

    I’ve been busy addressing issues on another site due to legal changes in my country. I was expecting to come back to answer your emailed response only to discover that you found a solution and edited the post.


    That’s potentially great news for users of apple mac given its their default browser.

    Looking forward to v1.2.9.7


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Found the solution about 5 minutes after I posted.

    Glad it’s working now! πŸ™‚

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