[Resolved] Responsive Layout

Home Forums Support [Resolved] Responsive Layout

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  • #88604
    Graham Leatherbarrow

    Hi Tom,

    Currently building a listing site which I started to use tables for the layout. It doesn’t look good in responsive, so I have abandoned the table layout and started to use divs for each inline block, one left with details and one right with photo, both divs on same line horizontally.

    For some reason the icons break and drop a line, even though there looks to be enough space to accommodate them in the small window. Any idea how to solve this:


    Additionally, the photo is squeezed right up against the text, again ideas please?

    Thanks for your time,

    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Hi Graham,

    I can’t seem to access that link?

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

    Graham Leatherbarrow

    Hi Tom,

    That’s strange because I’ve just clicked on it from my post on here and goes there just fine!?


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    I’m getting a “403 Forbidden” error telling me I don’t have permission to access that URL.

    Maybe give your hosting a quick call to make sure everything is set up correctly?

    Graham Leatherbarrow


    I suspect it might have something to do with the fact it’s on two lines in post?


    Graham Leatherbarrow


    So sorry, forgot the htaccess in the root controlling access. Now give a go!


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    We can “mobilize” those two elements to be full width on mobile like this:

    @media screen and (max-width:768px) {
          .photo {
                float: none;
                width: 100%;
    Graham Leatherbarrow

    Hi Tom,

    That is superb! Does it very well, many thanks for your time and trouble, much appreciated.


    Lead Developer
    Lead Developer

    Happy to help ๐Ÿ™‚

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